The Week Ahead - End of Term 1
Thursday 1 April 2021
From the Head of College
Welcome to the final edition of The Week Ahead for Term 1, 2021. Again, I pass on my thanks to all within our College community for the support and overwhelming understanding regarding the unfolding events of the past week. Once again, our 糖心直播 community has 鈥榮tood tall鈥 and now it is time to rest after what has been an extremely busy ten weeks.
The first term has seen many achievements by our students and also a number of outstanding highlights. On the sporting fields, in the music and arts space, and in the classroom 鈥 congratulations to our children and superb young people for a wonderful period of sustained commitment to their studies, and to those important activities that often occur beyond the classroom. I also pass on my thanks to the staff at the College 鈥 the willingness of all staff to engage in the values of the College, and to embrace the strategic challenges with energy and persistence is to be commended. Thank you!
Last Saturday鈥檚 Open Day was an extraordinary success. Congratulations to all who were involved, and well done in particular to our small and energetic marketing team. One outcome from Open Day was the exponential growth in enrolment enquiries on the day. Our team will be following these up throughout the holidays to ensure that the connection is maintained with prospective families. The response does tell us that parents are considering 糖心直播 as an educational option for their children. This only comes about when parents, staff and importantly, students, tell the story of what is happening in our community 鈥 thank you one and all!
I am looking forward to working with the College community in the new school term and I look forward to welcoming staff back to the second half of the semester on Monday 19 April and students on Tuesday 20 April.
In finishing, it is my prayer that you have a reflective Holy Week, and that Easter is a very special time of hope and prayer for you and your family.
Every blessing, have a relaxing break and enjoy the holidays.
Kind regards
Mr Adrian Wiles
Head of College
From the College Pastor
Community News
Tickets on Sale Now!
Tickets are now available for the 2021 musical - A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Project Based Learning at 糖心直播
Junior College
Vacation Care
Vacation Care will start as planned on Tuesday 6 April at Hume Street Campus. Parents/guardians are required to wear a mask when bringing/collecting children.
JC Sport News
Friday Sport Term 1
Last Friday (although unfortunately cancelled), saw the culmination of the Inter-School Sport fixtures for Term 1, in which we participated in Girls' Touch Football, Mixed Volleyball and Boys' AFL. Our 糖心直播 teams performed exceptionally well, week in week out, showing fantastic sportsmanship and coming away with some great results and improving each week with their skill and new found knowledge of these team sports.
Many thanks to all persons who assisted in some way this term to provide the opportunity for our students to have a game of their chosen sport. From all reports and watching the students each week, you can be assured some great memories where made along the way. Special mention to our team of coaches Mr Paul Baker, Mrs Melissa Reimann, Mrs Marie Smith, Mr Andrew Tennent and SSC sport coaches who assisted, on all your efforts during the term. Next term there is no Friday Inter-school Sport, but once our Track and Field Carnival is finished, our focus each Friday afternoon will be on preparation for the annual Ball Games Carnival which will be held in Week 6 at this stage.
Representative Swimming Honours
Congratulations to Emma Walkington who competed recently at the 10-12 Years Queensland State Schools Swimming Championship in Brisbane, from all recounts this was a fantastic experience for Emma and the future looks very promising with her sport at the various levels.
Track and Field news
Our Junior College Discus pre-event trials have been concluded this week in preparation for the forthcoming Track and Field Carnival early in Term 2. These results will go towards cumulative points for their houses on Track and Field day. Full credit to all our students on their efforts in these trials, setting the scene for some fantastic competition on carnival day in all other events.
Our 800m pre-carnival events (8-12 Year olds) will be also run on Friday Week 1, Term 2 at SSC. Students have been sent the link via Seesaw to pre-nominate for this prior to the day.
Central Zone Cross Country
The Central Zone Cross Country titles are in Week 2 next term to be held at Kearneys Spring Reserve and our selected students have been sent information regarding this day along with training times and days to prepare themselves in "putting their best foot forward" for this event.
Mr Darryl Fry
JC Sport Coordinator
JC Under 8s Day - 27 April
On Tuesday 27 April the Hume Street Campus will host the Junior College Under 8s Day.
for more information.
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
From the Director
Thank you students, parents and staff for a great start to 2021.
It has been filled with many learning opportunities as well as some fun events. We will reschedule our Colour Explosion Fun Run at a later date.
We also celebrated our heroes this past week and raised money for the Leukemia Foundation in recognition of the journey of our own brave Eve. Using our Superhero Decoder, each student designed their own cape according to their own superhero qualities. We culminated this event with Charlotte Scouller 'Shaving for a Cure'. Charlotte, together with our gold coin donations, raised over $2400. It has been powerful for the students to learn about and realise that we have all been given many 'superpowers' and that if we use them correctly, we are all Superheros.
If you are looking for an Easter Service to attend, please feel welcomed to join us at Emmanuel Lutheran Fellowship in the chapel at Stephen Street, Thursday 1 April 7pm, Friday 2 April 9am, Sunday 4 April 9m.
to view HSC's Events for Term 2 Week 1.
We wish you all a blessed Easter filled with chocolate, fun and family.
See you in Term 2.
Mrs Juanetta Priest
Director of Campus
Warwick Street Campus
From the Director
The end of Term 1 brought great excitement at Warwick Street Campus as we announced the winners of our Easter Competition. After a week of uncertainty again, it was wonderful to end on such a high. Congratulations to the following winners:
- 1st Felix Allard 鈥 10kg Cadbury Chocolate
- 2nd Helen Benham 鈥 4.5kg Toblerone
- 3rd Makenzie Morris 鈥 Jar of Easter eggs
For those of you who are wondering, there were 247 Easter eggs in the jar!
As mentioned by Mr Wiles in his correspondence to parents this week, our Term 1 Student Engagement Reports will now be available in Week 1 of Term 2. If you were scheduled to see your child鈥檚 teacher this week, they will reschedule with you early next term. Thank you again for your patience and support as we navigated our way through this week.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff of Warwick Street Campus for another successful term. Their energy and dedication, no matter what their role at our campus, never ceases to amaze me and I look forward to all that the teachers have in store for the students in Term 2.
To our WSC families, I pray that you all have a happy and safe Easter break and trust that you will enjoy some time with your family and friends over the next couple of weeks.
See you in Term 2!
to view WSC's Events for Week 1.
Blessings for the week ahead.
Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Director of Campus
Word on the Street
Word on the Street is that there may have been a large Easter Egg in the middle of the jar of little eggs in our Easter competition! This created a huge frenzy among students and there were many second guesses occurring!
Stephen Street Campus
From the Director of Campus
鈥淜nowing that all things were now accomplished… Jesus said, 鈥淚t is finished鈥. John 19:28-30.
As each of us prepares for this Easter season in our own ways, it is interesting to ponder those things in our lives that we find difficult to resolve or complete. Tasks such as assignments, projects or musical productions all have a point of completion where we can say that we have finished them and move on. These type of human endeavours all take time and effort and can cause us to feel the pressure that deadlines bring. Equally, as we meet the challenges and tick tasks off our to-do list, there is a sense of accomplishment that finishing something brings.
As we reflect on our lives, aside from our physical to-do list, it would be fair to say that we each have things that we are working on that are on a different level and not as easy to tick off a list. These are those things that live in the gap between the person and life that we strive to live and the messiness of life that interferes with our ability to be this unattainable 鈥減erfect person鈥.
I am convinced that it is this to-do list that Jesus was reminding us that He has on His to-do list, all those years ago. All our weaknesses, all our doubts all our imperfections made perfect through His willingness to add them to His to-do list and to take them from us. What a wonderfully, thought-provoking gift of grace. My prayer is that the message of hope, forgiveness, reconciliation and grace dwell deeply in your hearts and minds.
Reports and Parent Teacher Student Interviews
Please keep an eye on your emails for the interview booking email and link. We are planning on holding these on campus, in the Function Centre on Monday, 19 April from 2pm to 6.30 pm. We have had to delay the release of the Term 1 reports due to the disruptions that COVID-19 brought to our final week. These will be up on Parent Lounge from 10.30am, Monday 19 April. In the meantime, results for individual assessment items will be able to be found on Parent Lounge or Student Caf茅.
I would like to extend my most sincere thanks to every member of our community for the part that you have each played in making 糖心直播 the amazing community that it is. From the army of P&F volunteers on our Open Day BBQ, to the tireless efforts that the cast, crew, staff and volunteers are putting into musical preparations. To the teachers and students who continue to work together to understand how the transfer of learning best takes place and to all the supporting staff that keep the Stephen Street Campus machine running smoothly…. thank you!
Finally, my prayer is that you have a safe and blessed Easter and I look forward to next term and the adventures that lie ahead!
Mr Jason Smith
Director of Campus
Year 10 Speed Interviews
Last Wednesday 24 March, the Year 10 students participated in mock interviews as a part of the Short Course in Career Education. We were fortunate to have several employment experts who kindly volunteered their time to provide this opportunity for the students.
As a part of the Short Course, the students had explored the importance of personal presentation and interview skills, prepared a resume and questions to ask in an interview scenario. The students were well prepared for this experience and the sense of nervous energy indicated their commitment to the process. The interviewers commented on the students鈥 maturity and how they all conducted themselves in the interviews.
Thank you to the following businesses for providing this opportunity to the Year 10 students:
- Aurora Training Institute
- Defence Force Recruiting
- The University of Southern Queensland
- Golden West Apprenticeships
- Red Dog Recruitment
- Downs Group Training
Mrs Leah Bowes
Senior College Careers Advisor