
The Week Ahead - End of Term 2

Friday 18 June 2021

From the Head of College

Farewell to the 糖心直播 community

It is with mixed feelings that I put 鈥榩en to paper鈥 to address the 糖心直播 community for one last time. The memories from the past three and a half years flood back; reflections on the progress made in many educational areas across the College in these years, the challenges of the 2020 pandemic and, of course, the achievements of the children and young adults who have passed through the doors of their school 鈥 fully prepared to make a difference in the world.

As expressed to parents, staff and students at various functions held throughout the past week, to serve as Head of College at 糖心直播 has been a privilege and rewarding experience. My 鈥榯hirty plus years鈥 in the Lutheran schooling system has meant that I have been blessed to serve as Principal or Head of five schools across two states. What a joy! 

My time at 糖心直播 features as the pinnacle of my vocational experiences in many ways. Primarily, I was able to lend my expertise and give back to what is (in my eyes) a 鈥榗athedral鈥 school of the Lutheran Church of Australia. I thank God for this opportunity and for the chance to join and contribute to such a superb community. Thank you one and all!

I pray that you enjoy the holiday break, safe travel, and time to rest before Term 3 commences for students on Tuesday 13 July.

As I take my leave, I pray this timeless blessing over all in the 糖心直播 community:

The LORD bless you and keep you; 
the LORD make his face shine upon you
and be gracious to you;
the LORD turn his face toward you
and give you peace.                        Amen.

In His Service.

Mr Adrian Wiles
Head of College

From the College Pastor

Community News

Lecture Theatre Upgrade - Annual Giving Campaign

We have experienced a wonderful response to the launch of our Annual Giving Campaign to upgrade the Lecture Theatre at Stephen Street Campus. We have now sold over 40 chairs purchased for the upgrade and are close to reaching the half way mark.

Many thanks to all the members of our College community who have purchased a chair. Your support is truly valued.

If you're interested in learning more about this exciting project or would like to purchase a chair, please click the below button.

75th Anniversary Celebration - You're Invited!

We are planning a very exciting day on the Stephen Street ovals on Saturday 4 September to celebrate our 75th anniversary!

There will be a real festival atmosphere with the athletics oval being laid out with picnic blankets, tables and chairs along with marquees, food trucks and more. The opposite oval to the east will house a dedicated kids zone.

For planning purposes (and to keep compliant with COVID planning), please register your interest in attending this event. There is no entry fee to attend. Click the below button to register:

Resident Guru: Kathleen Jennings Author and illustrator

In Term 3, we are very excited to announce we will be hosting author, illustrator and 糖心直播 Old Scholar, Kathleen Jennings, for a week long artist residency. During her stay with us from 26 to 30 July, Kathleen will be running workshops with Year 5 and 6 students and the Years 10 and 11 students. 

The students will be experimenting, creating and exploring the mechanical, Australian Gothic birds and narrative construction through illustration and writing. Not only will this be a unique opportunity for our students to work with a celebrated arts professional, it will give them problem solving and creativity skills which will assist them in many aspects of the curriculum, not only English and Visual Art. 

We also extend an invitation to our parents and community to join us on Thursday 29 July at Warwick Street Campus for a Wine and Words evening with Kathleen. See below for further information.

Project Based Learning at 糖心直播

Junior College

From the Directors

New Library Coordinator
We are looking forward to welcoming Mrs Karen Maben to joining the Junior Campuses at the beginning of Term 3. Karen has extensive experience working in school libraries and brings with her a wealth of ideas that will be implemented over time. One of our first initiatives is that we are going to operate the library on a Thursday morning from 7.30am for parents who would like to come and enjoy a time with their child/ren reading or spending time in the library. Grab a coffee and curl up with a book for a little while before the start of the day.

The MS Readathon is on again!

MS Readathon is a great opportunity curl up with a good book and to raise money for people with Multiple Sclerosis. All you need to do is to create an account on the (with Mum and Dad's permission and help) and start reading on 1 August! Bookmarks and reading logs will be available from the library at HSC and WSC.

Junior College Reception Hours

The Hume Street Campus and Warwick Street Campus Receptions will be open on:

  • Monday 21 June from 7.45am to 3.45pm

The Receptions will then be closed until Monday 12 July at 7.45am.

Outside School Hours Care

OSHC - Vacation Care

It is encouraging to see so many families utilizing the service. Please remember that dates and days in Vacation Care are precious for many families with a waitlist on a number of occasions and that is just with College families. Attached is the program for these school holidays.

If you still require a booking, please respond to this email as soon as possible so I am able to try and make your required bookings.

Hume Street Campus

From the Director

We are feeling extremely blessed that our 2021 Term 2 was so very different to 2020 Term 2. Extra-curricular activities this term included our Year 4 and 5 camps, Disco, Wine and Cheese night and Under 8s Day - all of which we missed out on in Term 2, 2020.

We are looking forward to Term 3 with the return of our Festival of Learning on Tuesday 7 September. This Festival will showcase some amazing learning from our students and we look forward to sharing this with you.

On behalf of the HSC Team, I would like to thank you for your support throughout Semester 1 and we hope you have a wonderful break. We are already excited about the teaching and learning that will occur in Term 3.

Chess Lessons with Les Lord

We are excited that Mr Les Lord will be running Chess Coaching sessions commencing Tuesday 20 July 2021 from 10.45am to 11.30am in the Resource Centre. This will run for six lessons.

If your child would like to participate please submit your permission and payment on Parent Lounge in the Events and Payment section.
PERMISSION REQUIRED: Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission and payment:

  • Login to >
  • click on Events & Payments >
  • click on HSC Term 3 Chess Lessons with Mr Les Lord 2021 >
  • click on Payment Details > 
  • click on confirmation and pay now >
  • Accept >
  • Save

Term 3 Tennis Coaching at HSC

Tennis coaching will be available in Term 3. Please click below for the relevant information:

Warwick Street Campus

From the Director

As I look back at Term 2 when writing to you this week, I realise that the amount of events and learning that has taken place in the last nine weeks is phenomenal. I commend the students on their efforts throughout the term and congratulate the teachers and support staff for all they have done. This week our parents have had the opportunity to share in the successes of the student through our Parent/Teacher Interviews, where they have had the opportunity to see the incredible amount of work that has been produced this term.

WSC Chess Lessons with Les Lord

We are excited that Mr Les Lord will be running Chess Coaching sessions commencing Thursday 22 July 2021 from 7.45am to 8.30am in the Resource Centre. This will run for six lessons.

If your child would like to participate please submit your permission and payment on Parent Lounge in the Events and Payment section.
PERMISSION REQUIRED: Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission and payment:

  • Login to >
  • click on Events & Payments >
  • click on WSC Term 3 Chess Lessons with Mr Les Lord 2021 >
  • click on Payment Details > 
  • click on confirmation and pay now >
  • Accept >
  • Save

Term 3 Tennis Coaching at WSC

Tennis coaching will be held during Term 3. Click the relevant link below for further information:

Stephen Street Campus

For everything, there is a season.

As students are settling into the first day of their mid-year holidays and as teachers finalise their marking and reporting, there is a strong sense that it is time for a break. To down tools, to recharge, to refocus and to enjoy spending time on pursuits outside the constraints of an assessment task sheet. 

Reports will be coming out early next week with our Stephen Street Campus, Parent-Teacher-Student interviews being held Monday 12 July. Details on how to book an interview will also be sent out next week.

Mr Wiles… 

As you know, our Mr Wiles is having a second attempt at retiring. Speaking personally, it has been an extraordinary privilege to have been able to work so closely with Adrian for the past 3.5 years. 

Whether sharing a devotion at a leadership meeting, teaching a Year 8 Design class or setting up tables and barbecues for a predawn Rite Journey Calling and Departure Ceremony, Adrian was there, leading with good humour, clear vision and in a way that inspired others to do the same. In his words, 鈥淵ou鈥檙e not going to burn the place down… just have a go!鈥 

It has been this infectious, strategically focussed, 鈥渏ust have a go鈥 approach to situations, challenges and opportunities that have seen this community grow from strength to strength. Adrian, it is with a deep sense of gratitude and profound respect that we say thanks for everything that you have given to this community and we pray that God鈥檚 richest blessings go with you as you embark on the next chapter of life.

Happy holidays everyone. See you next term.

Mr Jason Smith
Director of Campus


Farewell to our boarders!

Thank you to our wonderful boarding community for a stellar term. We hope you all have a wonderful break and enjoy spending time with your loved ones over the break. Here are some photos from the term for you to enjoy.

Welcome from the Leadership Team