
The Week Ahead - End of Term 3, 2022

Friday 16 September 2022

From the Head of College

From the Head of College

Dear Parents and Caregivers

This term has seen students from across our College participate in an extraordinary number of curricular and extra-curricular activities, through which they have demonstrated outstanding levels of engagement, creativity and resilience. All of which would not have been possible without the generous support of parents, families and school staff.

I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank all students, parents, families and staff members who have supported the on-going work of our leadership and teaching teams this term. Our College community continually shows great energy for learning and care for each other, with school pride regularly celebrated in a range of authentic contexts.

The farewells and celebrations for our Year 12 students are well and truly underway with the Year 12 Boarder Recognition Dinner and Year 12 Valedictory Dinner held this week. The latter has been a very fitting event for us to wrap up, what has been, a very busy Term 3. Thank you to Mr Andrew Bull and Mrs Leah Bowes who have been at the forefront of organising these respective events. Thank you to all the staff who have worked closely with them to make these events such a huge success.

From the College Pastor

Community Mourning

As we come to the end of this very busy term there is much to celebrate and be thankful for! Our students have grown through some amazing experiences, camps, performances, sports success and in knowledge and understanding of our world. And we are over half-way to our goal of sending 100 refugee children in Africa to school for a year- thank you for your wonderful support for Walk my Way! 

But at this time we also share some communal grief as our nation together with many others across the Commonwealth mourns the death of Queen Elizabeth II, whose 70 year reign has given a sense of stability and certainty to many. As her grandson, Prince William pointed out, she has been 'providing an example of service and dignity in public life.' And this was largely based on her deep faith in a loving God, who is with us and who gives us responsibilities for his world. Responsibilities which Queen Elizabeth carried out with dedication and faithfulness even to the end 鈥 appointing the new British PM Liz Truss only days before her death.

Community News

Walk My Way

We are over half way there! We are hoping to be able to send 100 children to school for a year in refugee camps like Kakuma in Africa. So far we have raised a little over $1300. Thank you for your support and encouragement. Let鈥檚 see if we can make it to $2600!

At 糖心直播 we understand that God has gifted us in many way and that we that comes responsibility. We want to look beyond our own needs and wants to share our gifts with those in need. Walk my Way is an initiative of Australian Lutheran World Service, enabling children in refugee camps in Africa to attend school. $26 enables a child to attend school for a year! Today we walked to support this cause at SSC and next term the primary campuses will do the same. 

SWQ Futsal Competition Term 4

Australia Futsal will be assisting 糖心直播 in developing a futsal program. For more information please .

HSC Parent Connect Mango Fundraiser

Basketball Holiday Camps



Project Based Learning at 糖心直播

Junior College

From the Junior College Directors

Let鈥檚 do a quick recap of our term… NAIDOC art, Arts Appreciation Weekend, Prepping for Prep, Year 3 Camp, Year 6 Cairns Trip, Year 1 Excursion to Lone Pine, Year 5 Emu Gully Camp, Prep鈥檚 excursion to the Empire Theatre or Zoo, Book Week, PJ Storytime, Pop Up Mornings and Open Afternoon, Fathers鈥 Day Breakfast, Toowoomba Chess Teams Comp, representative Athletics and that doesn鈥檛 even count the massive amount of learning that has been occurring. No wonder we are all exhausted and need a break.

The Year 6 students had a fabulous week in Cairns with many students saying, best time ever!!  A big thank you must go to to Mr Baker, Ms Maddock, Mrs Scouller and Mr McCullough for leading the students on this camp as well as to all the parents who travelled with them.

On behalf of the JC Team, we would like to thank you for your support throughout Term 3 and we hope you have a fantastic break. We would also like to recognise and thank our amazing teachers and support staff. They work with dedication and passion to facilitate the engaged classroom learning and we wish them a well-deserved break.

JC Christmas for the Bush

Care Outreach has been supporting Outback families for over 25 years. Many rural and remote families are in their 10th year of drought. These families need us more than ever this Christmas.

In Term 4, the Junior College will be again supporting Care Outreach with their Christmas for the Bush appeal. You can help by donating...

  • Non-perishable food and Christmas treats
  • Toys and family gifts
  • Toiletries
  • Pre-paid visa cards

Donation baskets will be placed in every classroom. 100% goes to our farmers! For other specific needs, please visit and click on the 'Christmas for the Bush' tab.

Christmas for the Bush will conclude with a Junior College Chapel Service in the SSC Chapel on Friday 28 October at 9.30am.

JC Sports News

It's been a very busy term for sport. To read more, .

Outside School Hours Care

Hume Street Campus

Hume Street Kindergarten 2023

Are you or do you know of someone looking for that unique and special Kindergarten year for your child? A year guaranteed of play, discovery, learning, creativity, adventure, and fun! 糖心直播 Hume Street Kindergarten takes great pride in setting children up for success and creating a smooth transition from Kindergarten to school.

Our 3-year-old Pre-Kindy runs on Fridays from 8.30am鈥3pm. 4-year-old Kindergarten program runs over two days, with a Mon/Tues group and a Wed/Thurs group from 8am鈥4pm. At present we do have availability to cater for children to attend three or four days of Kindergarten. 

Please contact 糖心直播 Hume Street Kindergarten ASAP to find our more details or to secure a placement.
Phone:  07 4613 5610

HSC Tuckshop Orders

Please note: There is no tuckshop in Week 1 Term 4. Tuckshop will start again in Week 2 Term 4.

Term 4 Tennis Coaching at HSC

Tennis coaching will be available in Term 4. Please click below for the relevant information:

HSC Prep to Year 6 Swimming Lessons

On Friday 7 October, students from Prep to Year 6 will commence their swimming lessons at the 糖心直播 Aquatic Centre. Each of these classes will participate in eight lessons over Term 4. Please for the schedule.

Please ensure that students have the following:

  • Dressing gown - this is great for the students to wear to and from the pool as we don't know what the weather is going to be like;
  • Thongs
  • Swimming togs - it would be great for our Prep students to wear their togs to school
  • Goggles
  • House swimming cap
  • Towel

To avoid any lost items, please clearly label all of your child's items including their shoes, underwear and uniform.

HSC Student Voice

Student voice is important. This gives all students an opportunity to say what is working well at their school and what could make it better. During Week 9, I sat with all students, Years P-5 to hear what they have to say. Year 6 students were on Camp and Week 10 has been busy getting ready for Grandparents鈥 Day so I will catch up with them in Term 4.

With the assistance of our Parent Connect, Rebel kickback money and our own budgets, we will be able to add in many of the students suggestions (except for maybe the Petting Zoo!). They also had many ideas for Student Council which we will work through and incorporate next term.

All the feedback from students is displayed on the wall outside of our piano room (down near the Resource Centre). I will also have an 鈥榠deas鈥 letter box in place next term. If your little person ever has any ideas that they bring home, encourage them to write it down and pop into our letter box because like I have mentioned, Student Voice is important.

Mrs Juanetta Priest
Director of Campus

Warwick Street Campus

WSC Tuckshop Orders

Please note: There is no tuckshop in Week 1 of Term 4. Tuckshop will start in Week 2.

WSC Tennis Coaching - Term 4

Tennis coaching will be held during Term 3. Click the relevant link below for further information:

WSC Prep to Year 6 Swimming Lessons - Term 4

On Monday 10 October, Prep to Year 6 students will commence their swimming lessons at the 糖心直播 Aquatic Centre. Each of these classes will participate in lessons over Term 4. 

Stephen Street Campus

From the Director of Campus

I am desperately hoping that by the time this The Week Ahead publication is released, we will be seeing blue skies or at least dry conditions for our Year 12 Valedictory arrivals and dinner this evening. There is a great sense of anticipation on campus as the marquee is erected and grandstand seating put in place in readiness for our Year 12s to make their long-awaited arrivals. This cohort are very close, and I know can鈥檛 wait to share the celebrations with each other, their families, and staff. I鈥檓 sure everyone will look spectacular and have a fantastic time.

End of Term 3 reflections
Term 3 has certainly lived up to its expectation of contrasts. On one hand, it feels like we could not have packed much more in, but on the other hand, boy has it gone fast! This time of the year is a true test of character and resilience for students, families, and staff. There is always a delicate balance between finishing the year well and starting to plan for the following year. I have to say that I have extremely impressed by the way in which students have managed themselves, particularly our Year 11s and 12s who have remained focused, yet suitably relaxed as they have completed their recent exam blocks.  Congratulations to all students for their efforts in setting high expectations for themselves and pushing to go beyond their personal best. We hope that all students have a refreshing and enjoyable break before our final term.

Confirmation Course at ELF

Emmanuel Lutheran Fellowship (the congregation using the 糖心直播 chapel) is pleased to announce the launch of a Confirmation course in 2022-2023. The course is designed for anybody aged 12+ who has been baptised and is seeking to confirm their faith. The course is designed around new material produced by Grow Ministries called Grow Disciples - a relational, interactive and fun exploration of the key topics of the Christian faith. Please contact Pastor Nathan (pastor@emmanueltoowoomba.org.au) if you are interested!

Grand Reopening!

Sport News

Representative Sport:

Congratulations to Charlie Pietsch, member of the Queensland Open Team who this week won the Baseball School Sport Australia National Championship! This is amazing news, Charlie, well done!

Sport team results:

Round 7 results:
鈥 Intermediate girls beat the top team on the ladder, SSC (St Saviour's College) 2 sets to 1 in a very close contest, 73鈥67.
鈥 Mixed team lost to 2nd placed team Set and Forget 82鈥111


Boarding News

Hello to all our families. The holidays are here - hooray! Your children are all looking forward to their break along with our wonderful family of Tutors and Staff.

This week has been very busy. The students went out to Grand Central and to the movies on Sunday afternoon. A great time was had by all. 

On Wednesday evening, we held our Boarder Recognition Dinner to acknowledge Bradley and Chrissy for a great year and to celebrate their completion of Year 12. 

Googa is first up for our Year 9 students on return in Term 4. I am sure they will have a fabulous time. 

We wish you all a safe and happy holiday and we look forward to catching up on travel day. 

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Maureen Taurima
Girls Houseparent

Welcome from the Leadership Team