
The Week Ahead - End of Term 3, 2024

From the Head of College

From the Head of College

Dear Parents and Caregivers

It鈥檚 very fitting that the Year 12s are the focus of the College this week as they begin to wrap up their school journey in style this afternoon. I always look forward to seeing these young adults in all their finery. It is also a wonderful moment to acknowledge the love and care from parents/carers while raising these fine young people 鈥 there is a saying that goes, 鈥淭he stronger the foundation, the higher the pyramid.鈥

Thank you to those staff who have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make this week鈥檚 events so special to honour our graduates and their families. A special mention and thank you need to go to Ms Leah Bowes for her leadership, support and work ethic in looking after the various events in the lead-up to graduating and farewelling the Year 12 cohort. Thank you to those of you who will be part of celebrating, supporting and watching the arrivals procession of the Year 12s this afternoon.

From the College Pastor

From the College Pastor

Made it!

Term 3 is always a long and intensive term, with lots of learning and extracurricular activities taking place. I particularly enjoyed the various musical events this term, including the choral showcase and soloist concert. Of course, there were the Eisteddfod performances as well. We are blessed with amazing staff in the music department and I believe that we punch well above our weight in that area. It鈥檚 wonderful to see the progression of students from the younger years to seniors in musical ability and proficiency. 

Music encourages so many aspects of student鈥檚 development and joining others in bands, orchestras or choirs offers many benefits for the social, emotional and intellectual development of young people. While not many may make music their profession, it is a great hobby to have and can provide a positive impact on wellbeing.

Community News

From the Director of Pastoral Care and Wellbeing

The final week of Term 3 is a time for celebration and reflection. For our Year 12 cohort, this includes preparations for the Valedictory and the knowing that they will be transitioning into their final term of secondary education. For our Year 9 students this week is about final preparations before beginning our annual Googa experience. For all students, this is a time to celebrate successes in the classroom and the anticipation for the upcoming school holidays.

From the Director of Marketing and Community Engagement

Can you believe it is the end of Term 3!

The Year 12 Valedictory Dinner will be a beautiful celebration, filled with laughter, tears, and memories as we celebrate our graduating students. It marks new beginnings but is also tinged with the bittersweet realisation that our Year 12s will soon leave the halls of 糖心直播. We are immensely proud of their achievements, resilience, and the wonderful young adults they have become.

Our 2024 College leaders have done a wonderful job and will continue to lead in life. Thank you for your work this year.

A reminder to parents in regards to notice periods

As per the enrollment contract, a written notice must be submitted to withdraw your child from the College.

For any changes to enrollments starting from Term 1, 2025, the notice must be given by 1 October 2024.

Failure to provide the required notice will result in the tuition and boarding fees for Term 1, 2025 being charged and due for payment.

For more information or if you would like to speak to someone, please call the Business Office on 07 4688 2700.

School Dental Service

Below information from Darling Downs Health:

School Dental Service

The School Dental Van or Clinic has completed treating your school.

If any child experiences a toothache concern while treatment is not being offered at your school, please phone:

Darling Downs Oral Health Call Centre on 1300 082 662 (option 3)

between 8am-12pm Monday to Friday.

Outside of these hours please attend the Emergency Department at your closest hospital.

All other routine matters such as check-ups, orthodontic assessments and fillings cannot be provided until the dental van returns to the school.

As an alternative, dental care may be sought any time at a private dental practice.

Page Turner Packs - Book Review

Term 3 has been very busy in the Stephen Street Library! We celebrated Book Week with a Mad Hatter鈥檚 tea party and a costume competition where students showed off their creativity and amazing costume skills.

We also welcomed two visiting authors: James Phelan and Adele Jones. James spoke to our Year 7 and 8 students about writing and his process as a writer, and Adele spoke to our Year 11 literature students and Year 10 students considering literature next year. Adele gave a very insightful glimpse into the process of developing relatable characters, which was very inspiring to our budding authors.

HSC Parent Connect Mango Fundraiser

The Hume Street Campus Parent Connect is running the annual Mango Fundraiser.  Please see below for more information and .

Project Based Learning at 糖心直播

Junior College

From the Junior College Directors of Campus

As Term 3 draws to a close, we look back on some of the highlights from our Junior College community and the many achievements that have defined this term.

JC Sports News

Friday Sport

Over the past few Fridays our students have been participating in the eagerly awaited Inter-School Sport competition. Students competed in both Boys and Girls Soccer, and Girls Netball across various venues each week. From all reports, the students thoroughly enjoyed the experience of competing with their mates in the weeks of games. Well done to all and I look forward to hearing about the life lessons that these positive experiences generate.

JC Christmas for the Bush

It has become a tradition in our Junior College to support the amazing work of Care Outreach by contributing to their Christmas For The Bush program.

Care Outreach has been supporting outback families for over 30 years. Christmas for the Bush is an annual event, delivering Christmas hampers and gifts to struggling families in rural and remote regions. Farming families work incredibly hard. Loss of income, isolation and depression are some of the issues these families deal with on a daily basis. Care Outreach works to bring encouragement, support and hope to farming families in need.

In Term 4, the Junior College will be again supporting Care Outreach with their Christmas for the Bush appeal. You can help by donating...

  • Non-perishable food and Christmas treats
  • Toys and family gifts
  • Toiletries
  • Pre-paid visa cards

From the beginning of next term, donation baskets will be placed in every classroom. 100% goes to our farmers! For specific needs, please visit and click on the 'Christmas for the Bush' tab.

Care Outreach are excited to have our support again this year, and we look forward to assisting their Christmas for the Bush campaign. Thank you for considering this worthwhile appeal.

Christmas for the Bush will conclude with a Junior College Chapel Service in the SSC Chapel with the date to be confirmed.

Student Absences - Notifying the College

Advising the College
Please advise the College via  if a student is going to be absent for one or more days.  This should be done prior to 8.30am on the day of the absence.  If your student is absent, but you have not notified the College via Parent Lounge, you will receive an SMS notification during the morning. In this case, you need to acknowledge the absence via Parent Lounge as soon as possible.

Cancelling Bus Transport
If Inter-Campus Bus travel has been booked for your child and you wish for your child to not catch the bus for any reason, you must cancel the travel in the RollCall App.  An updated Bus List is printed from RollCall every afternoon to ensure that the correct students catch the bus.  If you have not updated Roll Call with an intended absence, it is likely that we will place your child on the bus as per the current RollCall travel bookings. 

Cancelling Tuckshop
Please remember that if your child is away on a Tuckshop day, you will need to contact your Campus Reception by 9.00am to request a cancellation of the Tuckshop order and receive a refund.

Outside School Hours Care

Hume Street Campus

HSC Weekly Events

Please  to view HSC's Events for Term 4 2024, Week 1.

HSC Prep to Year 6 Swimming Lessons

Our students from Prep to Year 6 will continue/commence their swimming lessons at the 糖心直播 Aquatic Centre (CAQ) in Term 4.  Please for the swimming schedule for Prep to Year 2 and for the swimming schedule for Year3 to Year 6.

Please ensure that students have the following:

  • Dressing Gown - this is great for the students to wear to and from the pool as we don't know what the weather is going to be like
  • Thongs
  • Swimming Togs - it would be great for our Prep students to wear their togs to school
  • Goggles
  • House Swimming Cap (Compulsory) - available for purchase from the College Uniform Shop
  • Towel

To avoid any lost items, please clearly label all of your child's items including their shoes, underwear and uniform.

HSC Tennis Coaching - Term 4, 2024

Tennis coaching will be available in Term 4, 2024. Please click below for the relevant information:

HSC Free Prep Vision Screening - Monday 21 October

On Monday 21 October our Prep class will be participating in the Primary School Nurse Health Readiness Program. We are a Queensland Government service that offers Free Vision Screening to all children enrolled in Prep. Participation in this free vision screening program is not a compulsory. 

Good vision is important for a child鈥檚 educational, physical and social development. Vision screening checks for common eye conditions that may impact your child鈥檚 ability to see and therefore impact their learning and development.

Parents do not need to be present for screening, however if you would like to be, please contact Campus Reception to arrange this.

If your child is in Prep and you would like their vision screened, please complete a consent form using the below link or QR code or you can contact the Primary School Nurse Health Readiness Program on 1800 687 372. 

Consent forms must be submitted by Sunday 13 October.

Prep Vision Screening

The following video explains the benefits of having your Prep child鈥檚 vision screened 鈥 

If you do not wish for your child to participate in the screening, please fill in the consent form and indicate that you wish to decline screening.

Warwick Street Campus

WSC Weekly Events

Please to view WSC's Events for Term 4, Week 1.

WSC Prep to Year 6 Swimming Lessons - Term 4

On Thursday 3 October, (week 1 term 4), Prep to Year 6 students will commence their swimming lessons at the 糖心直播 Aquatic Centre. 

Students in Prep to Year 2 will participate in one lesson a week over the course of five weeks. 

Students in Years 3 to 6 will participate in two lessons a week over the course of five weeks, which will culminate in a swimming carnival on Thursday 14 November. 

More details on the carnival will follow.

Please ensure that students have the following items:

  • Swimming togs
  • Goggles
  • House swimming cap (Compulsory) - available for purchase from the College Uniform Shop
  • Towel

To avoid any lost items, please clearly label all of your child's items including their shoes, underwear and uniform.

WSC Tennis Coaching - Term 4, 2024

Tennis coaching will be available in Term 4, 2024. Please click below for the relevant information:

Save The Date - WSC Grandparent's Day - Friday 18 October

WSC Free Prep Vision Screening - Monday 21 October

On Monday 21 October our Prep class will be participating in the Primary School Nurse Health Readiness Program. We are a Queensland Government service that offers Free Vision Screening to all children enrolled in Prep. Participation in this free vision screening program is not a compulsory. 

Good vision is important for a child鈥檚 educational, physical and social development. Vision screening checks for common eye conditions that may impact your child鈥檚 ability to see and therefore impact their learning and development.

Parents do not need to be present for screening, however if you would like to be, please contact Campus Reception to arrange this.

If your child is in Prep and you would like their vision screened, please complete a consent form using the below link or QR code or you can contact the Primary School Nurse Health Readiness Program on 1800 687 372. 

Consent forms must be submitted by Sunday 13 October.


The following video explains the benefits of having your Prep child鈥檚 vision screened 鈥 

If you do not wish for your child to participate in the screening, please fill in the consent form and indicate that you wish to decline screening.

WSC New Bus Zone

We are writing to inform you of an important update regarding Warwick Street Campus. Toowoomba Regional Council has established a new Bus Zone out the front of our campus on Warwick Street. This new zone will improve the safety and efficiency of our student drop off and pick up procedures.

Effective Monday 9 September, please note the following:

  • The new Bus Zone on Warwick Street will be in operation during the times of 7.00-9.00am and 2.00-4.00pm.
  • During these hours, cars will not be permitted to park in this zone to ensure that our 糖心直播 bus can efficiently perform its morning and afternoon drop off and pick up services.

We appreciate your cooperation and support with this new arrangement which is designed to enhance the safety and convenience for all families and students.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Reception.

Stephen Street Campus

From the Director of Stephen Street Campus

As we conclude Term 3 (where did that go!), I'm thrilled to reflect on the many achievements of our students. Our camp program for Years 8, 10, and 11 has been a resounding success, fostering stronger relationships and building resilience within our student body. The students have returned with a newfound sense of confidence and a greater understanding of their ability to support others.

Sport News

Sports News 鈥 Term 3

As another term draws to a close, we look back on the many incredible achievements of our students across various sports events. Well done to all students who "achieved the possibilities" and were a part of a 糖心直播 sports team this term.


Boarding News

Hello to all our families

Term 3 is done and dusted, and what an end to the term it has been! Interviews for 2025, a 5-day international student tour from Japan, Recognition Dinner, Valedictory Dinner, announcing the College Captains for 2025 along with sporting Grand finals and final assessments. Wow, where has the time gone?

Our Rec room has been bursting at the seams with an extra 41 International students. They have played games, enjoyed learning to play pool and enjoyed table tennis. There have been many conversations and lots of laughs.

Welcome from the Leadership Team