
The Week Ahead - End of Term 4 2021

Friday 26 November 2021

From the Head of College

From the Head of College

Dear Parents and Caregivers

This final edition of The Week Ahead brings to a close a busy and very successful year at 糖心直播. My first six months at 糖心直播, which have been spent getting to know what underpins the philosophy and culture of the 糖心直播 community, have gone by so quickly.

On some days it has felt as if I had been here longer than just a few weeks or months. Thank you for being wonderful hosts as your greetings, words of affirmation and words of encouragement have helped me to settle in. 

Thank you too for your support of and loyalty to the College in 2021. I look forward to growing further and building on the current working relationship and partnership which you have with the College in 2022. 

What I have kept coming back to during my short time at 糖心直播, is the notion and observation of every student being known and loved at 糖心直播. What an incredible pastoral foundation we have in place at 糖心直播 for every one of our students, when we know that quality relationships are the cornerstone to success at school and in society. 

糖心直播 is made up of an exceptional staff who are always prepared to do more than what is required of them. We are a very blessed and strong community. 

From the College Pastor

Community News

From the Director of Marketing & Enrolments

Many thanks to everyone in our College community for a successful year of learning at 糖心直播. We really appreciate your support throughout the year!

Here are some final updates as we head into holidays:


We have had a fantastic year with many new families enrolling at 糖心直播 for 2021 and 2022. If you know someone looking for a last minute enrolment for next year, please encourage them to contact us as we only have limited spaces available in some year levels while some year levels are full for 2022.

This is also a timely reminder to submit your enrolment applications for 2023. Our Prep and Year 7 classes for 2023 are already filling fast. We obviously want to prioritise our existing families but cannot hold a space for a student if we don't have an application form for them. Here is the link to submit an application form: 

Interviews for 2023 will be commencing in the new year.

Lecture Theatre Upgrade

The Lecture Theatre Upgrade will be commencing over the Christmas holidays! We can't wait to see what a fantastic, 21st century learning facility this will be when it is completed.

Many thanks to all the families who have generously purchased a seat (or two!) for the upgrade.

A note to those families who are still interested in purchasing a seat - we still have some remaining. To purchase a seat in your family's name, please .

2022 Fee Schedule

The 2022 Fee Schedule is available on our website. Click the button to access it:

Project Based Learning at 糖心直播

Junior College

Outside School Hours Care

Hume Street Campus

From the HSC Director

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 says, 鈥淔or everything there is a season and a time to …鈥. 

For our students, it is now a time to rest. For our staff, this is the time for reflection. Over the next days, our HSC staff will reflect on 2021. We will acknowledge that it was a busy year, full of ups and downs. We will reflect on our ups and consider ways to improve our downs. Most importantly, we will acknowledge the many factors to celebrate.

HSC Reception Hours during Christmas Holidays

The HSC Reception will be open on the following days and times:

  • Monday 29 November - 7.45am to 3.45pm
  • Tuesday 30 November - 7.45am to 3.45pm

Reception will then be closed until Monday 17 January 2022, 7.45am.

If you need any information during this period please call Stephen Street Campus on 4688 2700 from 8am to 4pm.

HSC Tennis Coaching Term 1 2022

If your child is interested in learning Tennis in Term 1, 2022,  for more information.

Special Prep Tennis Coaching at HSC for Term 1 2022

If your Prep child is interested in learning Tennis in Term 1 2022.  for more information.

HSC Chess Lessons with Mr Les Lord - Term 1 2022

We are excited that Mr Les Lord will be running Chess Coaching sessions commencing Tuesday 1 February 2022 from 10.45am to 11.30am in the Art Room. The cost per student for six Chess Lessons will be $45.00.

If your child would like to participate please submit your permission and payment on Parent Lounge.   

Permission Required
Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission for your child to attend this excursion by Friday 28 January 2022.

  • Login to  >
  • click on Events and Payments >
  • click on HSC Chess Lessons with Les Lord Term 1 2022 >
  • Accept >
  • Make your payment >
  • Save 

Warwick Street Campus

From the WSC Director

The end of every school year brings about a time for reflection, and this morning the staff at WSC reflected on the year that was 2021. The conclusion the staff came to, like every year, was that it was busy, full of ups and downs but, most of all, there were many things to celebrate. 

Yesterday, we celebrated with our Year 6 class as we said our final farewells to them. We wish them all the best as they move into Middle College and look forward to hearing about all they accomplish in the future. I would also like to wish those who are leaving our community, all the best for your future endeavours. I hope that you will look fondly on your time spent with us.

Warwick Street Campus would not be the community it is without the support of our parents. I would like to thank all of you for your continued support throughout 2021 and look forward to working alongside us again next year. To our students, congratulations on another successful school year. We are all very proud of all that each one of you has achieved.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to recognise the staff at WSC. This outstanding group of people have worked tirelessly again this year and always bring out the best in their students. Your Christmas break is again truly deserved.

WSC Reception Hours during Christmas Holidays

The WSC Reception will be open on the following days and times:

  • Monday 29 November - 7.45am to 3.45pm;
  • Tuesday 30 November - 7.45am to 3.45pm;

Reception will then be closed until Monday 17 January 2022, 7.45am.

If you need any information during this period please call Stephen Street Campus on 4688 2700 from 8am to 4pm.

WSC Year 5 Amazing Race

What an AMAZING day! Year 5 showed off their leadership skills by planning a fundraiser for the refugees from Afghanistan. They designed and ran an Amazing Race Challenge on Wednesday. 

All students from Prep to Year 5 formed teams with their buddies and they were in it to win it!  There were 10 challenges and clues they had to complete in the fastest time possible. 

AMAZINGLY, the Prep/Year 5 team were the winners with a time of 26 minutes although I think they were at an advantage since they knew all the clues. 

I think the real winners of the day were Declan, Cooper S, Ben and Hudson from Year 4 and Year 2.  

Congratulations to all teams and thank you for your support. We raised $170.

WSC Tennis Coaching Term 1 2022

If your child is interested in tennis coaching in Term 1, 2022,  for more information:

WSC Special Prep Tennis Coaching Term 1 2022

If your Prep child is interested in learning Tennis in Term 1, 2022,  for more information.

WSC Chess Lessons with Mr Les Lord - Term 1 2022

We are excited that Mr Les Lord will be running Chess Coaching sessions commencing Thursday 3 February 2022 from 7.45am to 8.30am in the Resource Centre. The cost per student for six Chess Lessons will be $45.00.

If your child would like to participate please submit your permission on Parent Lounge. Full payment will be required prior to your child commencing lessons.  

Permission Required
Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission for your child by Friday 28 January 2022.

  • Login to  >
  • click on Events and Payments >
  • click on WSC Chess Lessons with Les Lord Term 1 2022 >
  • Accept >
  • Make your payment >
  • Save 

Stephen Street Campus

From the Director of Campus

Here we are…

As students settle into the groove of the first day of holidays, our teachers are celebrating the end of the academic year with late nights of marking and reporting. We do know how to party! Reports will be published early next week on Parent Lounge.

A sneak peak into next year… One of the projects that is being finalised as we speak, is a new interface for students to navigate this digital learning world that we have created. Student Hub is a one-stop jumping off page for everything from their class Teams, digital texts and Math Pathways to academic calendars to links to express interest in cocurricular activities. This dashboard has been created by our IT Department and I am so impressed with how it is shaping up. I want to publicly thank Mitch and Daniel for the work that they have done in creating the Student Hub.

SSC Reception Hours during Christmas Holidays

SSC Reception will be open on the following days and times:

  • Monday 29 November to Thursday 23 December: 8am to 4pm

Reception will be closed for the Christmas and New Year break, reopening on Tuesday 4 January 2022 at 8am.

Youth Forum 2022

Voices of Groom, a local non-political, non-partisan group, are holding a Youth Forum in January 2022. This Forum will be a visioning process for the electorate of Groom that will map out the future as our young people see it. It is hoped the event will empower young people to make their voice heard in our region. If you鈥檙e interested in participating, tap on the link below.



Boarding News

Hello to our Boarding Families! Well, it鈥檚 a wrap. The year is over and your children will all be enjoying the comforts of home. We have had a great year and our final Presentation Evening was a huge success for our Boarders. Congratulations to all who received awards. 

It has been an absolute pleasure to be looking after your children throughout 2021. They bring much joy into our lives.

Stay safe and look after each other. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all from Giabal and Temme Boarding. May the good Lord watch over you and your family. We look forward to seeing you all in 2022.

Mrs Maureen Taurima
Girls' Houseparent

Welcome from the Leadership Team