The Week Ahead - Term 1, Week 3
Monday 5 February - Friday 9 February
From the Head of College
From the College Pastor
Community News
Robotics Club - Years 3 to 7
Every Monday afternoon, come immerse yourself in the world of Robotics, Innovation and Endless Possibilities. No prior experience is necessary - just bring your curiosity and imagination! We only have 25 spots available so make sure to book via the link below:
Project Based Learning at ÌÇÐÄÖ±²¥
Junior College
Book Club Orders - LOOP On-Line Payments
A note about Book Club
Welcome to all our new families and welcome back to our continuing families. The first issue of Book Club will be coming home next week. The Junior campuses use LOOP (Linked Ordering and Online Payment). For those who are unfamiliar with it, here’s what you need to know:
LOOP enables parents to order and pay for their child’s book club order online. (Cash payments will be no longer available)
To order through LOOP, go to , register and set up an online profile with a password.
You can add your child’s name and select their class and, by entering the 4350 postcode, you will be able to select their school from the drop down box.
The Junior campuses are set up as ÌÇÐÄÖ±²¥ Hume Street Campus and ÌÇÐÄÖ±²¥ Warwick Street Campus.
Please submit your order before Friday 9 February 2024 and the books will arrive at the school in due course.
For more information, follow this link:
JC Year 4 Camp
The Year 4 Hume Street Campus and Warwick Street Campus students will be attending a three day camp from Monday 4 March to Wednesday 6 March at , Tallebudgera located at (Phone – 5507 0200).
The students will participate in a variety of activities suitable for their age and ability levels. The activities are designed for fun, experiential learning, personal development and building team skills.
Drop Off and Pick Up from HSC: We ask that parents drop their child at the Hume Street Campus (HSC) on Monday 4 March by 7.15am, for a 7.30am departure. The students will depart the Gold Coast Recreation Centre at 1.30pm, Wednesday 6 March and should arrive at HSC at approximately 4.30pm. Students can be picked up anytime after this. Parking for both the drop off and pick up will be on the sports oval.
Should you any further queries regarding this camp, please contact your child’s teacher.
Permissions Required Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission.
- Login to >
- click on Events & Payments >
- click on JC 2024 Year 4 Camp >
- Accept >
- Save
IMPORTANT NOTE: After submitting your permission, please check and ensure your Parent Lounge portal is up-to-date regarding your child’s Emergency Contact Info, Medical Conditions and Food Allergies/Dietary Requirements.
Should you any further queries regarding this camp, please contact your child’s teacher.
JC Year 6 SMART Leadership Day - 15 February
On Thursday 15 February the Koojarewon Youth Camp staff will be leading the JC Year 6 SMART Leadership Day at our Stephen Street Campus.
Event details:
- The program will commence in the Stephen Street Function Centre at 7.40am with Breakfast
- Parents are invited to attend the breakfast and a jotform has been sent out for RSVPs
- Activities will conclude at 12pm
- WSC students will be walked back to their Campus by Mr Paul Baker and HSC students will catch the bus back to their Campus with Mrs Libby Scouller
- Breakfast and Morning Tea will be provided for the students. The cost will be covered by the Year Levy.
Students are required to:
- Wear their sports uniform and College hat
- Bring a packed lunch to eat at their normal second break
Should you have any further queries regarding this event, please contact your child's teacher.
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
HSC Year 5 Lettuce Farm Excursion - Thursday 8 February
HSC Year 5 Excursion to Toowoomba Lettuce Farm – Thursday 8 February, 1.30pm
We are excited to inform you about an upcoming educational excursion that your child will be participating in as part of their learning experience.
Permission Required: Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission by Monday 5 January 2024:
- Login to Parent Lounge >
- click on Events & payments >
- click on HSC Year 5 Lettuce Farm Excursion >
- Accept >
- Save
If you have any concerns or queries regarding the excursion, please feel free to contact Reception.
HSC Wet Weather Pick Up and Drop Off Procedures
With the start of a new school year, we would like to outline how Pick Up and Drop Off procedures change in wet weather.
- The Reception Carpark will become a central parking carpark. This enables cars to be able to drive around the perimeter of the centrally parked cars.
- For Drop Off procedures, you may drive through the perimeter drive and drop students at the bottom of the reception ramp. Students will be in the Resource Centre.
- For Pick Up procedures, you may drive through the perimeter drive and staff will organise students to come to the cars.
- If you are the first car to line up, drive through the perimeter driveway and stop at the 'No 1' cone.
- You are welcome to park and collect your children. Students will be in the Resource Centre.
HSC Weekly Events
Please to view HSC's Events for Term 1 2024, Week 3.
HSC Prep to Year 6 Term 1 Classroom Overviews
Please find below links to the Term 1 Classroom Overviews.
HSC Drive Through and Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures
Thank you for your patience in the Drive Through in the mornings and afternoons. I know it can be an extremely busy time. Please see below some important information relating to our Drive Through and Drop Off/Pick Up processess
1. Our Driveway has two lanes. The righthand lane is for the Reception Carpark and the Drive Through. The lefthand lane is for the Kindy as well as carparks east of the Drive Through.
2. For safety, please do not turn from the lefthand lane across the driveway traffic into the Reception carpark. We have had too many near misses.
3. Morning drop off - please do not leave your car parked in the Drive Through. If you would like to enter the gates with your child, please park in other parks and walk in. Another name for our Drive Through in the morning is the kiss and drop.
4. Our afternoon bell goes at 3.05pm for a 3.10pm finish. If you are able to come at approximately 3.15pm - 3.20pm, you will find that it is much easier.
If you have any further questions about our Drive Through procedure, please don’t hesitate to contact Reception.
Warwick Street Campus
WSC Weekly Events
Please to view WSC's Events for Term 1, Week 3 2024.
WSC Drive Through Procedures
Thank you for your patience in the Drive Through in the mornings and afternoons. I know it can be an extremely busy time. Drive Through in the morning will be via our Yaldwyn Street Drive Through. This will be for all students. Students are not able to get out of vehicles until a staff member is on duty at 8.00am. Please be mindful that the safety of our students in the Drive Through is paramount. Overtaking is not permitted in the Drive Through.
PLEASE NOTE Students must be able to enter and exit vehicles independently. Staff are not permitted to assist students with seat belts. Parents are not able to get out of the car to assist their children when in the Drive Through.
Please read the Afternoon Drive Through procedures below:
Afternoon Drive Through will be divided across the following two locations:
Stedman - Afternoon pick up will be via The Shed Drive Through. - Please enter by turning left into The Shed Drive Through from Warwick Street and exiting by turning left onto Warwick Street again. - There will be no right turn.
Altus and Kessler - Students in Altus and Kessler will be in the Drive Through off Yaldwyn Street. - Please enter the Drive Through by turning left on Yaldwyn Street and exit by turning left onto Warwick Street.
Things to note: - Afternoon Drive Through will be supervised until 3.30pm each day. * If you have older students, and it fits with your after-school activities, please leave your afternoon pick up until at least 3.15pm to assist with congestion. If your children are not in the Drive Through when you arrive, you will be asked to do a lap so we can keep the flow of traffic moving. - If you are walking your students into the school grounds please do not walk through the Drive Through. For safety reasons, all pedestrians must walk alongside the Kindy fence to the top of the Drive Through and then use the crossing. - If you are a new family or have a new vehicle please use our Look Out Cards. These are helpful to staff in recognising vehicles in the Drive Through.
If you have any further questions about our Drive Through procedure, please don’t hesitate to contact Reception.
WSC Year 5 Lettuce Farm Excursion - Wednesday 7 February
WSC Year 5 Excursion to Toowoomba Lettuce Farm – Wednesday 7 February, 11.15am
We are excited to inform you about an upcoming educational excursion that your child will be participating in as part of their learning experience.
Permission Required: Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission by Monday 5 January 2024:
- Login to Parent Lounge >
- click on Events & payments >
- click on WSC Year 5 Lettuce Farm Excursion >
- Accept >
- Save
If you have any concerns or queries regarding the excursion, please feel free to contact Reception.
WSC Prep to Year 6 Term 1 Classroom Overviews
Please find below links to the Term 1 Classroom Overviews.
WSC Parent Connect Meetings - Date Saver
Parent Connect Meetings for 2024 will be on a Tuesday, 5.30pm-6.30pm in The Resource Centre. (Week 5 of each term).
Please add these dates below to your calendar.
- Tuesday 20 February
- Tuesday 14 May
- Tuesday 6 August
- Tuesday 29 October
Stephen Street Campus
Sport News
Sports News – Term 1, Week 3
Our first week of competition sport kicked off this week and our students started the year strong. Please see below for all results.
Junior Girls: Won 2-1
Intermediate Girls: Won 2-1
Senior Girls: Lost 3-0
U15 Girls: Loss
Open Girls: Loss
U13 Boys: Won against Toowoomba Grammar 3-0
U15 Boys: Won against Toowoomba Grammar 6-5
Open Boys: Won against Toowoomba Grammar 11-4
CLC Senior College Swimming Carnival
The senior college swimming carnival took place on Wednesday, and it was a fantastic day with some great competition. Stedman House walked away victorious, but Kessler and Altus put up a brave fight. Altus took home the House Spirit award, with the best spirit, highest participation rate and fiercest Warcry on the day.
Congratulations to all of our Age Champion winners a fantastic achievement for all your hard work. A big thankyou to all students who participated, parents who spectated and assisted, and staff for running the day. A big thank you to Troy Chandler from TJs Swim for all his hard work scheduling the events before and on the day.
Boarding News
Hello to all our families.
All our students are settling in well with a few who are feeling a tad homesick. This will pass. I hope you are all coping well at home.
All students enjoyed the long weekend with extra activities and downtime. The weather was very hot, and we have been making good use of the college pool. Thank you to Andrew for being our lifeguard to ensure the safety of all the students.
Study sessions commenced this week with Nick overseeing the students’ progress. Our focus this year will be to have all students with a clear goal of what they would like to achieve during study time. Nick and our tutors will be monitoring the efficiency of the study time. All students will have independent time in their rooms with the support of our study team.
Nick is our Senior Supervisor and works in Temme House and is currently studying for his Bachelor of Secondary Education at the University of Southern Queensland. We welcome Amaris next week as our Senior Supervisor in Giabal House along with Gigi who will be tutoring. Amaris is at USQ studying primary education and Gigi is at the UQ Gatton Campus studying Veterinary Science. We are very lucky to have this calibre of staff join our team.
We also have Jane and Sera who are studying at USQ. Jane a Bachelor of Human Service, Sera a Bachelor of International Relations. Nadir is also in his last year of Mechanical Engineering.
With such diversity within our staff, we endeavour to support the students to reach their full potential.
Wednesday, we had the swimming Carnival, and everyone enjoyed the day. On Thursday our Year 11 students went to Brisbane for an enjoyable river cruise. They all looked wonderful.
Friday we are heading off to Camp. Everyone is super excited. Our Boarder captains Kerri and Khan selected their teams for the weekend. This will ensure we have plenty of hands on deck for the fun stuff as well as the camp work. I am looking forward to reporting back next week with many pictures.
Till then, take care and stay safe.
Mrs Maureen Taurima and Mr Andrew Bull
Boarding Houseparents