
The Week Ahead - Term 1, Week 3 2023

Monday 6 February to Friday 10 February 2023

From the Head of College

From the Head of College

Dear Parents and Caregivers

As we come to the end of the first full week of the new school year, I need to thank you for the time, engagement and attendance at various events across both the Junior and Senior College campuses. Establishing and growing transparent and trusting working relationships from the outset are the cornerstone for our partnership with you. I also need to thank the staff for their readiness in hosting you at these events.

This coming week will see the College host the Class of 2022 and their parents as we celebrate and acknowledge the hard work, outstanding results and closing journey of these students over their final 12 months at 糖心直播. The Year 7 -12 students鈥 parents also get the opportunity meet the Senior College teaching staff and attend an information session hosted by members of the Senior College Pastoral Care and Leadership Team.

From the College Pastor

Part of Something Bigger

Next Thursday together with representatives from Lutheran congregations and agencies across Australia and New Zealand I will travel to Melbourne to attend the much delayed in-person session (due to Covid, of course) of the 20th General Synod (or convention) of the Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand. At this meeting representatives of Lutheran communities from around our country and NZ gather to worship and pray together and to make important decisions about the future direction of the church, to receive reports from bishops and other elected officials and councils. This is usually a highlight for those gathered, many of whom come from small communities spread across our vast continent.

Synod helps us understand that we are part of something bigger, and that we walk together through various challenges which confront the church at this time. Many connections and friendships are formed and renewed at Synod and it helps all to experience the bigger community we are part of and be encouraged in our faith walk together.

Community News

From the Director of Marketing and Enrolments

My first few weeks at 糖心直播 have been an adventure!

I have had the opportunity to learn the ropes, meet new staff and faculty members, attend various training sessions, and begin setting up the big events of the year.

One of the first things I did when I arrived was to get up to speed with the College's social media accounts. I encourage you to follow 糖心直播 on Facebook and Instagram. It is a wonderful way to get to know the community while also getting a better understanding of the College's culture (which by the way is incredibly good).

I have also been meeting with the staff and faculty members to get to know them better and to see how I can help them in any way. Everyone is so friendly and welcoming, and I am already looking forward to working with them more in the future. In addition to getting to know the staff and faculty, I have also been attending various training sessions. These sessions have been incredibly helpful in preparing me for the upcoming events for 2023.

From the Director of Pastoral Care and Wellbeing

Starting a new year is always a time filled with a mixture of excitement and anxiousness.  A new year means new beginnings, new subjects and new opportunities to become involved in extra curricular activities.  The beginning of a school year can be a busy time for all of our community.  This includes multiples events and induction-based activities that help us to get set up for the year ahead.  Sometimes we can get lost in the 鈥渂usy-ness鈥 of a new year and may overlook the importance of getting the 鈥渓ittle things鈥 right.

The 鈥渓ittle things鈥 are often the routines and procedures we sometimes take for granted.  For our students this means being to class on time, wearing the uniform correctly, scheduling events in our calendars and ensuring that time is allocated to look after ourselves.  For parents and caregivers this may include setting up regular morning routines, organising drop-off and pick-up arrangements or trying to fit in some 鈥渕e鈥 time.

Introducing our new Strategic Plan!

Our new and updated Strategic Plan is now available for viewing. Please click on the link below.

Strategic Plan - Towards 2026

2023 Hockey Expo

If you are looking for a Hockey Club to join, please support the Red Lion Hockey Club. They are our official partner club and support our College with Coaches for the year. Look for them at the Expo.

Play Something Unreal Festival - Rugby League - 6-12 years

Is your child looking to get into Rugby League? Come along to the free session on Saturday 18 February. More details in the flyer.

Join 糖心直播 at the Toowoomba Park Run - Saturday 18 February

Woohoo! Its 颁辞苍肠辞谤诲颈补鈥檚 time to shine at Toowoomba Parkrun, Queens Park on February 18.  We meet at Lindsay street at 6:45am for 7am start.  For more information please check the .

This is a call out to all 糖心直播 students, staff, and family members to show our School spirt and participate at this fun, inclusive family friendly event.  Don鈥檛 forget to wear your 糖心直播 sports shirt and hat.  Maybe even lend a hat to your parents…

No pressure to run, you are also welcome to either walk or jog the 5km course.  Prams are welcome as well as the family dog if kept on a short leash.

I鈥檓 excited to be Run Director on the day and Mr Prinsloo will also be volunteering as Tunnel Manager (he gets to cheer you on and congratulate you at the end of the course).  All other volunteers (except the timekeeper) will be part of our 糖心直播 Family. If you would like to volunteer for the event or have any questions, I would love to see you in person and can be found most days at the SSC Health Centre.  Alternatively, phone the Health Centre mobile: 0458 827 528 or email: health@concordia.qld.edu.

Don鈥檛鈥 delay, there is no better time to put on your jogging shoes, get fit, healthy and have fun at the same time!

Mrs Libby Chapman
College Nurse

Project Based Learning at 糖心直播

Junior College

From the Junior College Directors

The beginning of each school year can be both exciting and slightly daunting for our students as they enter a new environment, experience a new teacher and work on a more challenging program. As we head into Week 4 of Term 1 our students are reminded of what it means to have a Growth Mindset. 

JC Library News

It has been wonderful to see the new and returning students all coming into the Junior Campus Libraries in the first two weeks of Term 1, 2023. During this time I have done a brief Library orientation to inform or remind the students about matters such how best to take care of their books to avoid damage and the importance of keeping their loans up to date. I have also shown the students some of the new resources we have in our libraries and most of these have already been borrowed. I have reminded the students that this is their library so if there is any book or series they would like to see in the library to please let me know as I encourage their input on my purchases.

Student Absentees

Please remember that an important part of our legal requirements and duty of care to the safety of our students, we require you to let us know if students are going to be absent or late. You may do this via Parent Lounge, Contacts on your CLC App or an email to AdminHSC@concordia.qld.edu.au or AdminWSC@concordia.qld.edu.au

Late Arrivals

If your child arrives after 8.30am, please get them to go through Reception so that we are aware that they have arrived. Teachers mark their rolls at 8.35am and cannot change the roll. The only persons that can then mark them as present is Reception. 


Have you logged into Seesaw lately to see what is happening in your child鈥檚 class? Seesaw is a great way of making your child鈥檚 learning visible to you. Being a Visible Learner is all about a student knowing what they know and knowing what they need to learn next. Seesaw helps you to know what your learner knows. Term overviews will be posted soon so that you know the Term 1 Learning.  

Prep 2024

Interviews for Prep 2024 will begin soon. Don鈥檛 forget to ensure your 2024 Prep student is enrolled. If you have friends who need more information, please let them know to give us a call. 

Outside School Hours Care

Hume Street Campus

HSC Weekly Events

Please  to view HSC's Events for Term 1, Week 3.

HSC Information

Class Parent Reps 
We love our Parent Reps and would love to hear from you if you would like to self-nominate. Please read the attached document and get in contact with either Juanetta Priest or your classroom teacher. We would love to have at least one per class and two is even better. 

Prep 鈥  
Year 1 鈥  
Year 2 鈥  
Year 3 鈥  
Year 4 鈥  
Year 5 鈥 Tegan Charchar 
Year 6 鈥  

We will have our first 2023 meeting Friday, 17 February at 2pm in the Resource Centre. We usually meet once or twice a term and organise friend-raising and fund-raising. If this sounds like something you would like to be a part of, please come and join us. 

HSC Tuckshop Orders

At HSC, Tuckshop is held on a Thursday. All orders are to be completed online at  by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.

Warwick Street Campus

WSC Weekly Events

Please  to view WSC's Events for Term 1, Week 3.

A Special Reminder

You will notice that we have a Disability parking space in The Shed car park. Please be mindful that by law, only people with a Disability Permit are able to park in this space. We thank you for your support in this matter.

WSC Tuckshop Orders

At WSC, Tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.

Stephen Street Campus

From the Director of Campus

It has been a very positive start to the 2023 school year, with a clear atmosphere of eagerness from students towards their learning and college activities. I wish to congratulate our Year 7 students on how well they have transitioned into the high school setting. From the classes I have visited, I can see students are particularly enjoying working in our specialist spaces, including a new technology room with 3D printers and a laser cutter. 

This week also saw the launch of our new Wednesday afternoon SPARC (Sport, Recreation, Altruistic, Recreation and Creative) program. As you can see in the photos below, the mixture of activities on offer are designed to suit all interests, and I have no doubt will be the launch pad for more school-based teams. 

Sports News

Thank you for your support of sport this week. I hope you received the Sports Expression of Interest details and have considered how you can help build our 糖心直播 Sports programs. We appreciate your consideration and willingness to assist.

We are trialling a new system where I will send students a Microsoft Forms Link to express their interest in playing a range of sports across the year. It does appear to be more effective so far despite some minor hiccups in the transition process. It is important to know that the students must log in from their College email due to the security settings when completing the online EOI. Permission forms etc will then go to Parents/Carers afterwards. If you have any strong feedback regarding this process, please send me an email and I can consider your ideas, especially if it can make our processes more effective and efficient for all stakeholders.

Year 7 Fun Day - Friday 10 February

Next Friday during the normal school day, the Year 7 students will be involved in a modified timetable. The aim of the day is to help them build relationships with other students by being involved in activities which will further enable them to get to know other students in their class, work as a team, play games and participate in a Peer support session with the Year 11 students.

The students will need to wear their sports uniform on this day, bring their swimming gear as per normal as well as a rashie or old t-shirt for outside water activities and a hat. 

Lunch will be provided but students will need to bring a water bottle and morning tea. 


Boarding News

Hi to all our boarder families.

At the start of today I glanced through the many photos that were taken last week. We certainly had a busy week. Over the next couple of weeks your daughters and sons will reacquaint themselves with Boarding life and get into a routine which will support them with their learning and growth as young individuals.

To our new parents 鈥 What a pleasure to look after your children. They are exploring new routines and forming friendships. They have all done remarkably well for their first week. While there have been some tears (not many) there have been many more happy faces, laughter and fun times had.  

We have had such a busy week with A Welcome to Country , Trip to Grand Central, Queens Park  along with Year 12鈥檚 Tie presentation 鈥 Congratulations to Mason, George, Keenan, Claudia, Rhys and Indi. We as a boarding community wish you all the best on this journey.

We are all looking forward to Camp Duckadang this weekend where our borders will be challenged with various outdoor activities along with some camp cooking and student entertainment.

I hope you all enjoy the photos this week. 

Mrs Maureen Taurima
Girls' Houseparent

Welcome from the Leadership Team