
The Week Ahead - Term 1, Week 5

Monday 21 February to Friday 25 February 2022

From the Head of College

Head of College Update

Dear Parents and Caregivers

It was wonderful to acknowledge, present badges to and affirm our respective College captains and leaders in front of their peers this week. Good luck to all these leaders as they begin their journey of service to their peers and the College. 

The student leadership groups in our College are in excellent hands with layers of staff to also guide and support these groups. Student voice is a critical component in setting culture, the strategic direction and pulse in any school. These student leaders have been encouraged to set one clear goal each term for their leadership role to feel a sense of accomplishment and completion throughout the 2022 school year. 

Good luck and congratulations to our Year 12 students, who received their Senior ties this week, as this rite of passage confirms them as our Senior class and leaders of 2022.

From the College Pastor

One body, many parts

This year, I have the privilege to teach German to a Year 7 class, as well as the usually Christian Studies load. 

Learning another language is an important skill for people living in our multicultural and globalised world and in such a diverse country as Australia. I suspect that our German heritage at 糖心直播 is the reason for offering the German language. 

Germany is a major industrialised western country and there are over 150 Million people in the world for whom this is their mother tongue. German is the 11th most spoken language in the world. Our Lutheran reformation heritage has strong German roots also.

Community News

2022 Student Residential Address and Other Information Collection Notice

We wish to advise parents and guardians that 糖心直播 has received a request from the Australian Government Department of Education and Training (the department) to provide a statement of student addresses, in accordance with the Australian Education Regulation 2013.

For further information, please refer to the .

International Women's Day High Tea

You're invited to attend the inaugural International Women's Day High Tea taking place at the 糖心直播 Function Centre on Tuesday 8 March from 5.30pm to 7pm.

Enjoy a delicious range of savories and sweets prepared by our professional chefs, along with an assortment of gourmet teas, coffee and juice. You will also receive a gift bag on arrival.

Tickets are $30 for adults and $25 for school-aged students. Tables of 10 are available for $250.

It's been great to see a an excellent response to this event with half of the available seats already sold! If you'd like to join us, please make sure book your tickets as soon as possible by clicking this button. Ticket sales close on Friday 4 March, if not sold out sooner.

College Policies

The College has a number of public policies that are available for viewing through our website. These policies and procedures include statements about Privacy, Grievance Handling, Child-Protection, Anti-Discrimination and Respectful Relationships. Click here to access these policies.

For further information about any public policies and procedures of the College please contact either the Head of College or Directors of Campus.

Budding 2032 Olympians!

Budding Queensland athletes ready yourselves - your state, indeed your country, needs YOU!

Today the (QAS) announced its  campaign and is on a quest to identify and develop local athletes to take to the world stage at the 2032 Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The program aims to identify aspiring athletes aged 13 to 23 for Olympic sports and 13 to 30 for Paralympic sports.

The QAS will be travelling across the state as they select more than 20,000 young athletes in a bid to put more Queenslanders on the medal dais in Brisbane 2032. Applications for will open on 12 April 2022, with the first testing sessions happening in Toowoomba in May.


Lots of Socks 鈥 World Down Syndrome Day 鈥 14 March

On Monday 14 March we are asking students to wear their craziest socks to school and bring along a gold coin donation to help support World Down Syndrome Day. 

Project Based Learning at 糖心直播

Junior College

From the Directors

When looking at the Seesaw posts over the last couple of days, it is easy to see that our students have quickly settled back into their school routines. In the current world we are living in, Seesaw has become a direct link between school and home as we are able to share not only student learning, but some of the important events that are continuing to happen while our parents are unable to attend in person. 

The first of these events was on Monday afternoon with our Year 6 leaders being presented with their badges from Mr Prinsloo. Unfortunately, we were unable to have parents join us for this occasion but were able to video this and upload it to Seesaw for all our Year 6 families to see. Congratulations to all our leaders. We look forward to seeing you lead the way in 2022 and leaving your mark in the Junior College in various ways throughout the year. 

JC String Ensemble - Logistics Change

Dear Parents and Caregivers

The great news is that our Junior String Ensemble has doubled in size since this time last year (from six to 12 students). This has, however, brought some operational challenges which means we have had to change the time and place of Tuesday rehearsals.

Rehearsals will now take place in the Music room at the Warwick Street Campus and will run from 3.10pm to 4.10pm. Pick up will be from The Shed/Warwick Street drive through. I ask that you are prompt in collecting your children as I need to be at the Stephen Street Campus to teach at 4.30pm. If you are running late, please contact me on my mobile - 0427 240 541. 

This change in logistics means the Warwick Street Campus students will no longer need to walk over to Stephen Street Campus (I will be able to supervise them from the end of school, until they are collected) and it ensures I am ready and waiting to meet the Hume Street Campus students as they get off the bus at Warwick Street Campus. 

Please let me know if you have any questions about these changes, otherwise I look forward to seeing your children at Warwick Street Campus, on Tuesday. 

Ms Georgie Meecham
Strings Conductor/Tutor

Free 2 Day Autism Workshop for Parents and Carers

Outside School Hours Care

Hume Street Campus

HSC Tuckshop Orders

At HSC, tuckshop is held on a Thursday. All orders are to be completed online at by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. 

Please note: Week 9 is the last week of Tuckshop.

HSC Tennis Coaching - Term 1

Tennis coaching will be held during Term 1. Click the relevant link below for further information:

HSC Campus Photos 鈥 Monday 28 March

HSC Campus Photos 鈥 Monday 28 March
Our Campus Photos are scheduled for Monday 28 March. Could you please ensure your child/ren are in the correct uniform. Students in Prep and Year 1 will wear their sports uniform.  All students from Years 2 to 6 are required to wear their Formal Uniform.

Family Photos
To enable parents to purchase a Family Photo of all or some of their children who attend 糖心直播, photos of siblings will be taken in the Hume Street Campus Hall between 8am and 8.15am on photo day. If you would like family photos please collect an envelope from the Campus Reception.

It will be the parents鈥 responsibility to get their SSC children to HSC for the family photo and then take them to SSC ready for school before 8.30am. If you would like family photos done could you please collect a family photo envelope from Reception prior to Photo day. 

HSC Years 4/5/6 - OzHarvest Feast Program

The Year 4/5/6 students will be participating in an exciting new program this term called FEAST. During the course of this unit of work the students will learn about food waste, nutrition and develop basic cooking skills as they work together to write a school cookbook!

The program has been developed by OzHarvest, Australia鈥檚 leading food rescue organisation, to help raise awareness about reducing food waste, food insecurity and the importance of healthy eating. The program forms part of our STEM and English curriculum this term as students learn problem solving, design and production skills, collaboration, communication, procedural texts and important life skills. We hope they bring some of these great skills home to test on you!

Our school is lucky to have been provided with a whole suite of resources for this program including cooking equipment and teaching resources through philanthropic donation to OzHarvest valued at over $1500.

Please to submit any dietary requirements by Tuesday 22 February 2022.

HSC Touch Coaching

Mrs Bianca Coleborn will once again be running Touch Training on Wednesdays from 11am to 11.30am for students in Years 5 & 6. Students will eat their lunch and then meet Mrs Coleborn on the oval grandstands at 11am.

Warwick Street Campus

WSC Campus Photos 鈥 Wednesday 16 March

WSC Campus Photos 鈥 Wednesday 16 March
Our Campus Photos are scheduled for Wednesday 16 March. Could you please ensure your child/ren are in the correct uniform. Students in Prep will wear their sports uniform.  All students from Years 1 to 6 are required to wear their Formal Uniform.

Family Photos
To enable parents to purchase a Family Photo of all or some of their children who attend 糖心直播, photos of siblings will be taken in the Warwick Street Campus Shed between 8am and 8.15am on photo day. 

It will be the parents鈥 responsibility to get their SSC children to WSC for the family photo and then take them to SSC ready for school before 8.30am. If you would like family photos done could you please collect a family photo envelope from Reception prior to Photo day. 

Term 1 Tennis Coaching at WSC

Tennis coaching will be held during Term 1. Click the relevant link below for further information:

WSC Tuckshop Orders

At WSC, Tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.

Stephen Street Campus

From the Director of Campus

After only two weeks into College life, I am clearly witnessing the amazing group of young people that I am blessed to be involved with at 糖心直播.

As I walk around campus, the smiles and warm greetings of our students are examples of how the College values are more than simply words on posters. Everywhere I go, I see the living and breathing, high sense of respect and regard students hold for each other, staff and the wider community.  

I wish to particularly commend our Boarding students for their transition back, or in some cases for the first time, into our boarding family. We do not underestimate how hard it can be to be away from family and the places we call home. I am awed by the way in which some of our 鈥渙ld guard鈥 boarders have taken our new boarders under their wings to help with this adjustment. Our Boarding Houseparents, Maureen and Andrew, along with our tutors, also need to be recognised for how much time and energy they spend in ensuring all students make this place their home away from home.

Elevate Parent Support Webinar Series

Tennis Coaching - Term 1


Boarding News

To all our new students and parents, I hope this week has been a little less stressful for you all. The students have started to find their place in boarding and have formed friendships that will be lifelong.

We have noticed over the past few days, the relaxed looks on the young boys' faces which indicated that they are doing just fine. The transitioning period is far from over and they will all have ups and downs, however, we have certainly had a positive start to date. Keeping the students busy and engaged has been great. Thank you to all our Tutors for their hard work.

Study is well underway now and students have been encouraged to seek out help in the Library.

Welcome from the Leadership Team