
The Week Ahead - Term 1, Week 7

From the Head of College


Plus masks come off next week!

The weather event towards the end of last week tested everyone鈥檚 resolve and flexibility as we prioritised with you the need to get the students home early as a matter of safety. I need to thank the administration teams across all three campuses for the way in which they rallied together and safely navigated the early departure of over 90 per cent of the student body. 

It was so affirming to see many staff step in and lend a hand as parents pulled up in the rain and assistance was needed to get students safely to their cars. Thank you for your cooperation and patience as you navigated your afternoon in responding to picking up your student/s early from school. Several parents have this week expressed their gratitude for the wonderful pastoral care and organisation put in place last Friday to make this flow so smoothly.

Given the events of last week, I would like to share with you the importance of gratitude in our daily lives. Teaching our children to say thank you is important, but truly instilling a sense of gratitude in them is another matter entirely. 

Gratitude goes beyond good manners as they are a mindset and a lifestyle. So why is it important to cultivate an attitude of gratitude? [Acknowledgement: Andrea Reiser]

  • Firstly, gratitude is healthy for us, adults and children alike. Gratitude increases happiness levels and increases levels of self-esteem, hope, empathy and optimism.
  • Gratitude gives perspective. When we take into account the number of opportunities, privileges and material possessions most children enjoy through very little effort of their own, it鈥檚 easy to see why many of them feel entitled. Practising gratitude will teach our children that those creature comforts don鈥檛 just pop out of thin air. When children recognise that the things they own have come from someone other than themselves, it helps them develop a healthy understanding of how interdependent we all are.
  • Gratitude improves relationships. Research tells us that gratitude fosters stronger, more positive and more genuine relationships when it is instilled and practised from a young age at home and at school. The best working environments are those where our contributions and colleagues are acknowledged and appreciated daily.
  • Gratitude counteracts the 鈥済immes鈥. Gratitude is about being aware of who and what makes positive aspects of our lives possible and acknowledging that. When our children begin to think in those terms, they begin to appreciate what they have rather than focusing on what they wish they had.

This past week I had the privilege of serving some of our students pancakes as part of our Shrove Tuesday celebrations and I am pleased to let you know that across the board the students said a simple thank as they were being served. Thank you for the gratitude which you continue to instil in your children every day.

This week will also bring to an end various Covid restrictions as life begins to return to some normality. As of next Monday, masks are no longer mandatory at schools and we can get back to doing school life with assemblies, chapel services, camps, excursions and incursions all good to go ahead. I look forward, with the staff, to welcoming you back on campus again as we continue our partnership in growing and nurturing every student in our care.

Wishing everyone a safe weekend and week ahead.

Yours in Christ.

Mr Anton Prinsloo
Head of College

From the College Pastor


As the year seems to race along (Week 6 already!) we are entering again the season of Lent, the 40 day (seven week) period in the lead up to Easter, and traditionally a sober season of reflection, of prayer, of opening our hearts and ears to both our reality and the call of God on us, of laying open the things that are not right in our lives and seeking forgiveness and change, of considering God鈥檚 great love that he should allow his Son to give his life so that we might be forgiven, that we might have life.

Many churches will have a special service on Ash Wednesday that includes the imposition of ashes, congregants having their foreheads marked with an ashen cross. The ashes are usually made from the Palm Sunday palms of the previous year, pointing to our human fickleness (five days from Hosanna to Crucify him!) and weakness.

Community News

Important Update on COVID-19 Restrictions

Face masks 

From 6pm on Friday 4 March, face masks will no longer be required to be worn by staff or students in schools, on dedicated school transport or at other education workplaces. If individual staff or students wish to wear a face mask while at school they are more than welcome to do so. 

Symptomatic and RAT testing

Anyone who is unwell with COVID 19 symptoms should not come to campus. The current arrangements for symptomatic staff and students who record a positive RAT result remain in place, based on . 

Assemblies and school visitors 

Schools can resume assemblies and other large gatherings from 6pm on Friday 4 March.  Parents, carers, volunteers, contractors and other external workers will also be permitted on school sites from this date. Anyone who is working or volunteering at a school is still required to be fully vaccinated. 

Thank you!

Many thanks to everyone in our College community for your patience and support as we have navigated the COVID-19 restrictions during the first part of the year. We appreciate it!

Lots of Socks 鈥 World Down Syndrome Day 鈥 14 March

On Monday 14 March we are asking students to wear their craziest socks to school and bring along a gold coin donation to help support World Down Syndrome Day. 

10-12 Years Darling Downs Regional Swimming Trials - 7 March

The Darling Downs Regional Swimming Trials will be going ahead as planned on Monday 7 March. The venue is safe for use and the pool management is looking forward to the event occurring. Please see below important information regarding this carnival.

If there are any changes due to wet weather, information will be posted on the  by 1pm Sunday 6 March.

Project Based Learning at 糖心直播

Junior College

Junior College Parent Volunteers

Week 7 welcomes back Parent Volunteers in classrooms and excursions/camps. Before being any volunteer work please check in with your Campus Reception to ensure that all Volunteer Compliance Requirements have been fulfilled. This includes:

  • Volunteer Registration Form
  • Valuing Safe Communities Online Training
  • Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination (See )

Outside School Hours Care

Hume Street Campus

From the HSC Director

In my 30ish years of teaching, 2022 would have to win the award for being the most unusual start to a year. I think our entire community has worked hard to be patient and considerate but at the same time we have all felt a little disconnected and this is not a feeling that our beautiful HSC community is used to dealing with.

Our staff and students have gotten on with the job of teaching and learning. I have had the privilege of being a part of the classrooms recently and they are certainly doing a great job of this. 

Tailored Pre Kindy Program for 3 year olds

Hume Street Kindergarten offers a specific and tailored approach to supporting children with the best transition they can possibly have into commencing Prep, and one of those approaches is our Pre Kindy program designed specifically for three year old children.

A high quality Pre Kindy program prepares children to take maximum advantage of their four year old kindergarten year which concentrates on school readiness skills, and this is exactly what we see occur when children participate in a Pre Kindy program, and then commence Kindy the year after, prior to moving forward to formal schooling for Prep.

Our three year old, Pre Kindy program has a strong emphasis on learning through play, and ensures our planned activities are targeted specifically for three year old children, that are based on their interests and skill levels, and support children to achieve their individual goals.

Families are encouraged to come into the kindergarten to speak with staff, or alternatively contact Melissa.Giles@concordia.qld.edu.au of 4613 5610 to find out more information regarding our Pre Kindy program. 

HSC Campus Photos 鈥 Monday 28 March

HSC Campus Photos 鈥 Monday 28 March
Our Campus Photos are scheduled for Monday 28 March. Please ensure your child/ren are in the correct uniform. Students in Prep and Year 1 will wear their sports uniform.  All students from Years 2 to 6 are required to wear their formal uniform.

Family Photos
To enable parents to purchase a family photo of all or some of their children who attend 糖心直播, photos of siblings will be taken in the Hume Street Campus Hall between 8am and 8.15am on photo day. If you would like family photos please collect an envelope from the Campus Reception.

It will be the parents鈥 responsibility to get their SSC children to HSC for the family photo and then take them to SSC ready for school before 8.30am. If you would like family photos done could you please collect a family photo envelope from Reception prior to photo day. 

HSC Tuckshop Orders

At HSC, tuckshop is held on a Thursday. All orders are to be completed online at by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. 

Please note: Week 9 is the last week of Tuckshop.

Colour Explosion Fun Run

Thank you so much for continuously supporting our school, especially through fundraising. This term, we are hosting a Colour Explosion School Fun Run.

Start fundraising today.
Did you know? Students raise 3x times more when they fundraise online! Visit to create your child鈥檚 cybersafe fundraising profile. Instructions are in your child鈥檚 sponsorship booklet. You have until Friday 23 April to fundraise, so make sure you get cracking!

The big day is coming!
We are so excited to host our Colour Explosion School Fun Run on Thursday 31 March. On the day, make sure your child brings a white shirt and old shorts for the Fun Run and waterslide! They will be covered in non-toxic, high quality colour powder from head to toe! They will also need a water bottle and their hat. Sunscreen will be provided in the classrooms prior to the event.

HSC Touch Coaching

Mrs Bianca Coleborn will once again be running Touch Training on Wednesdays from 11am to 11.30am for students in Years 5 & 6. Students will eat their lunch and then meet Mrs Coleborn on the oval grandstands at 11am.

HSC Drama Squad

Hi, my name is Andreas Elms and I love Drama! 

I am very excited, as this year I will be joining the 糖心直播 family, teaching Speech and Drama, and coordinating the brand new drama clubs for the Junior College campuses. We have called them "Drama Squad - Hume Street" and "Drama Squad- Warwick Street". 

I have been teaching drama and working with young people in the creative arts for many years and I can't wait to start working with the 糖心直播 students through drama games, improvising, vocal activities, poems, plays, skits and building confidence along the way. 

The Speech and Drama lessons will take place during the school day, where the students can work together in pairs or on their own. The Drama Squad is Wednesdays from 7.30am-8.30am at Warwick St and Fridays from 7.30am - 8.30am at Hume St.

If you would like your child to join the Drama Squad and or speech and drama lessons, please feel free to contact me. 

HSC Parent Connect Meeting

Our first Parent Connect meeting for 2022 will be held on Friday 11 March at 2pm. Everyone is welcome to attend whether you come in or attend over Zoom.

Toowoomba Rates Notice

If you were fortunate enough to receive a Free Plant Voucher with your rates notice this week and do not want this voucher, we would love to collect it. Our students are always looking to extend our planting program and these vouchers can help us considerably. We currently have about 40 bushes/trees to plant in the coming weeks as a result of this program 2021.

Warwick Street Campus

From the WSC Director

Who can believe that next week we enter Week 7 of Term 1? The term is flying by and with guidelines changing next week, we are so excited to return to normal and welcome our families back on campus. 

Next week we will also be able to have our first Assembly and Chapel service for the year where we can come together as a whole campus. Our Chapel services are on Friday mornings at 11.15am and parents are welcome to attend. 

Each week a class takes responsibility for assisting with Chapel and next week our Year 5 class will be leading us in our service.

WSC Campus Photos 鈥 Wednesday 16 March

WSC Campus Photos 鈥 Wednesday 16 March
Our campus photos are scheduled for Wednesday 16 March. Please ensure your child/ren are in the correct uniform. Students in Prep will wear their sports uniform.  All students from Years 1 to 6 are required to wear their formal uniform.

Family Photos
To enable parents to purchase a family photo of all or some of their children who attend 糖心直播, photos of siblings will be taken in the Warwick Street Campus Shed between 8am and 8.15am on photo day. 

It will be the parents鈥 responsibility to get their SSC children to WSC for the family photo and then take them to SSC ready for school before 8.30am. If you would like family photos done, please collect a family photo envelope from Reception prior to photo day. 

WSC Touch Coaching - with Mrs Coleborn

Mrs Bianca Coleborn will once again be running Touch Football training on Thursdays from 12.45am to 1.30pm for students in Years 5 and 6 at Stephen Street Campus. The training will incorporate some drills followed by playing a game together.

After a couple of wet weeks of being rained out, we are hoping to resume Touch training this coming Thursday 10 March.

Interested students should meet Mrs Coleborn in the playground at the beginning of lunch and bring something to eat during the walk across to Stephen Street Campus.

WSC Drama Squad

Hi, my name is Andreas Elms and I love Drama! 

I am very excited, as this year I will be joining the 糖心直播 family, teaching Speech and Drama, and coordinating the brand new drama clubs for the Junior College campuses. We have called them "Drama Squad - Hume Street" and "Drama Squad- Warwick Street". 

I have been teaching drama and working with young people in the creative arts for many years and I can't wait to start working with the 糖心直播 students through drama games, improvising, vocal activities, poems, plays, skits and building confidence along the way. 

The Speech and Drama lessons will take place during the school day, where the students can work together in pairs or on their own. The Drama Squad is Wednesdays from 7.30am-8.30am at Warwick St and Fridays from 7.30am - 8.30am at Hume St.

If you would like your child to join the Drama Squad and or speech and drama lessons, please feel free to contact me. 

WSC Tuckshop Orders

At WSC, Tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.

Stephen Street Campus

From the Director of Campus

I want to start this week by acknowledging the resilience and care within or College and extended community during the recent flooding. Last week ended in a very unexpected and hectic fashion. Thank you to our families and staff for your support and patience in coordinating the early safe departures of our students. 

While hopefully many of us have escaped the distressing scenes of our eastern and southern neighbours, we do not discount the impact that the past week may have had on our families. We pray for our community and those suffering during this time. If you know of others in need at this time, please reach out so that we can use the networks of support around us to bring some light into their worlds. 


As a Lutheran school, this has been a special week in the calendar as we enter the season of Lent. Thanks very much to our Student Representative Body (SRB) who did a tremendous job running a mass pancake distribution exercise for Shrove Tuesday. However, at one point a particular student may have gotten a little too enthusiastic with the maple syrup bottle! Hopefully you needed some new pants anyway Mr Rentell…

The Open Door

The Open Door received some updated signage this week, courtesy of the Technology department (is there anything they can't do with their laser cutter?). Many thanks to Mr James Bishop and Mr Geoff Becker for creating and installing this signage!

Year 10 Work Experience

Last week, Mr Pukallus, Mrs Tessmer and I visited our Year 10 students at their work experience placements. Despite the inclement weather and mandated COVID orders, the students engaged in a wide variety of tasks with outstanding attitudes. 

It was pleasing to hear the overwhelming amount of positive feedback from the work experience supervisors, complementing the students on their work ethic, communication skills, manners, and willingness to take risks in the work environment. Several students have been offered a range of opportunities from their placement, including casual employment, traineeships and apprenticeships.

Thank you to all the supervisors who have taken the time this week to mentor the Year 10 students. You have provided the students with a memorable transition into the world of work.

Finally, a big thank you to Mrs Jo-Ann Tessmer for successfully coordinating this placement 鈥 even with the unexpected two weeks holiday for the students. She always works tirelessly in this space and continues to provide a powerful workplace experience for the cohort.

Mrs Leah Bowes
Years 11- and 12-Year Level and Pastoral Care Coordinator / Senior College Careers Advisor


Welcome from the Leadership Team