
The Week Ahead - Term 3, Week 10

Monday 11 September - Friday 15 September

From the Head of College

From the Head of College

Dear Parents and Caregivers

Welcome back to our Year 6 students, parent helpers and staff from their trip to Cairns. It was great to follow either their blog or a reflection of activities on the College鈥檚 Facebook page. A huge thank you needs to be extended to our Year 6 teachers, Ms. Kellie Maddock and Mr. Paul Baker, and Admin. Staff for the work which has gone into planning for and delivering this wonderful experience for our students. Our College is known in Toowoomba for having an outstanding Outdoor Education Program which scaffolds this important journey of independence, social engagement and life-long learning experiences which this area of College life affords our students. We are looking at growing and fine-tuning this part of our College program next year as we look at including Year 7 and 10 Camps as well as a Year 12 retreat. After having Morning Tea with our Year 12 students this term, they have all highlighted Googa, for those who attended, has been one of the best experiences during their time at 糖心直播. 

From the College Pastor

From the College Pastor

Walk my Way

How quickly another term has flown by. As we near the end of Term 3 it鈥檚 good to look back at the many events and possibilities offered and grabbed with both hands by many through our College. Whether it be various camps, music events, sports, new learning experiences and working on friendships. On the last day of term, the Year 12s have their Valedictory Celebration and Dinner as the end of their schooling journey looms large.

Community News

From the Director of Marketing and Enrolments

Can you believe it is almost the end of Term 3!

The end of another academic year is fast approaching, there are several important events that we are eagerly preparing for. First and foremost, the Year 12 Valedictory Dinner, also known as the Year 12 Formal, will be held on September 15th. This highly anticipated evening is a celebration of our graduating students' achievements and a chance for them to enjoy each other's company one last time before embarking on new journeys. With meticulous planning, our dedicated staff have been working hard to create a magical night filled with unforgettable memories.

From the Director of Pastoral Care and Wellbeing

Over the years there has been many advancements in technology to connect us to the world around us. Our children are being raised in an era where technology has the ability to enhance their learning, but it can also presents some risks when interacting with others.

Youth Coordinator - Position


Join Emmanuel Lutheran Fellowship in our vision to reignite sustainable youth ministry within the Lutheran Churches of Toowoomba. The successful candidate will lead a team of volunteers to help young people make lifelong connections in faith and friendship and to grow in confidence to share God鈥檚 love and acceptance in their daily lives.

路 16 Hours per Week

路 12 Month Contract 鈥 possible Extension

To receive a copy of the Position Description and apply for the position, please email office@emmanueltoowoomba.org.au or call (07) 4688 2791. Applications close on the 24th of September 2023.

Christian Camps Coming Up

If you are starting to plan for your summer holidays, please note the camps available through LYQ. See below and please register through the LYQ website: . All are welcome!

See you in September

糖心直播 has made a change to the dates of the Open Morning. It was scheduled for the morning of August 8, but will now be a week of 鈥淪ee you in September鈥.

This new event will take place for a week from September 11th and will offer opportunity to view the College and its facilities, as well as meet teachers and members of the staff. It will help families see the authentic College environment and ask questions of both staff and students.

As always, parents and carers are welcome to come and inspect any of our 糖心直播 campuses on any school day of the week.

We look forward to seeing you in September! If you would like to register your interest to visit one of the mornings of this week, please send an email to Enrolments@concordia.qld.edu.au and be on the lookout for more information. Write the new dates in your calendar.

HSC Parent Connect Mango Fundraiser

The Hume Street Campus Parent Connect is running the annual Mango Fundraiser. Please see below for more information and 

Robotics Club - Years 3 to 7

Every Monday afternoon, come immerse yourself in the world of Robotics, Innovation and Endless Possibilities. No prior experience is necessary - just bring your curiosity and imagination! We only have 25 spots available so make sure to book via the link below:

QLD Sprint Orienteering Championships

Queensland Sprint Orienteering Championships will be held on Saturday 16th September 2023 at 2pm. Please see the flyer below for more details.

Project Based Learning at 糖心直播

Junior College

From the Junior College Director of Campuses

As we approach the end of Term 3, we find ourselves reflecting on the incredible journey we have embarked on over the past months. It is a time to celebrate the achievements of our students and staff, to express our gratitude and look forward to the exciting opportunities of Term 4.

Our students have continued to shine brightly in their pursuit of academic excellence led very capably by our wonderful teachers and support staff. We have seen impressive class projects, class work, and it is clear that our students are committed to their learning. We could not be prouder of the work they have achieved over the term.

Beyond the classroom, our extracurricular programs have flourished. Students have showcased their talents in sports, arts, and various clubs and organisations. The commitment and teamwork displayed during these activities exemplify the well-rounded education we strive to provide.

Junior College Staffing Update

Term 4 welcomes Mrs Jackie Minnikin back from Long Service Leave. Jackie will be returning as the Acting Head of College for Term 4. We will continue Term 4 with Mrs Juanetta Priest being Director of both campuses, Mrs Rowena Weier, Assistant Director at WSC and Miss Kellie Maddock, Assistant Director at HSC. We all operate an open door policy so please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

Junior Campus Sport News


The Junior College have just finished the ever popular 鈥淎uskick鈥 program held at both WSC and HSC. This is an initiative by AFL Qld targeting grassroots development and participation of Primary aged students and runs for six weeks.

It has been fantastic watching and hearing about the students鈥 involvement in these sessions and their competitiveness in a host of modified games and challenging drills lead by the enthusiastic Coaches.

This may be the start of some future AFL stars and provides some great opportunities to link with the community and pathways to our Senior College platforms. A big thank you to all involved in this program.

2023 Toowoomba District Primary Spring Swiss Rapid Chess Tournament

JC Band Bowling - Year 6 Students Only

The JC Band students are invited to go bowling on Friday the 15 September (last day of Term 3). This is a reward for their commitment to afternoon rehearsals and to congratulate them on their many performances throughout the term. It is also a great opportunity for them to bond on a social level.

Students will need to bring their school bags with them, including a packed lunch and water bottle. (They may bring money to purchase a drink there, but no food will be ordered and this is not guaranteed.)

The bowling session is booked for 12:30pm and will need to end by 2:15pm to ensure we are back for a 3pm pick up. If parent permission and payment of $21 is given, students will be collected from their respective campuses and transported to iPlay Toowoomba Bowl via the school bus where they will participate in 1 game of bowling and 1 game of laser tag.

HSC students are expected to return back to campus by 2:30pm and WSC students by 2.45pm.

Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission and payment by Friday 8 September 2023:
  Login to  >

  • click on Events and Payments >
  • click on JC Band Bowling>
  • click payment details>
  • Confirmation and click on Pay now>
  • Accept / Decline >
  • Save

Outside School Hours Care

Hume Street Campus

HSC Weekly Events

Please  to view HSC's Events for Term 3, Week 10.

No HSC Tuckshop in Week 10

Please note that there will not be any tuckshop in Week 10. Tuckshop will resume in Term 4 Week 2.

Robotics Club - Term 4 - Years 3 to 7

Calling all budding engineers and future tech wizards. Robotics Club will be starting in Term 4 on Monday afternoons. Please see the flyer in the Community News for more information. 

If you are interested in signing up, the Inter-Campus bus is available for transportation. Limited places are available so get in early to register.

Walk My Way 2023 at HSC- 15 September

Each campus will be participating in Walk My Way again this year. Last year we raised $3610 and helped 139 children to be able to go to school. We are aiming to be able to assist more children this year. HSC will be participating in WMW Friday 15 September at 2.15pm. Parents and visitors are welcome to come and walk with us.  

For more information on this event and to register for a team or donate please see the 糖心直播 College Walk My Way in the Community News or .

HSC See you in September

Have you seen the flyers for this event and wondered what they are all about? 

See You in September is like an Open Day but people can come and visit us while we are getting on with our day鈥檚 learning. If you know anyone who is interested in checking out 糖心直播, we would love to See them in September.

For more information and to view the flyer, please see the article in Community News. 

Cans 4 Cash Collection - Yr 3 & 4 Sustainability Project

HSC Prep to Year 2 Swimming Lessons Continuing Week 2 Term 4

Our students from Prep to Year 2 will commence their swimming lessons at the 糖心直播 Aquatic Centre (CAQ). They will participate in eight lessons which will occur in Week 9, Term 3 and Week 2, Term 4. The students will then participate in a Prep to Year 2 Mini Carnival on Tuesday 17 October at the CAQ. Please for their swimming schedule.

Please ensure that students have the following:

  • Dressing gown - this is great for the students to wear to and from the pool as we don't know what the weather is going to be like;
  • Thongs
  • Swimming togs - it would be great for our Prep students to wear their togs to school
  • Goggles
  • House swimming cap
  • Towel

To avoid any lost items, please clearly label all of your child's items including their shoes, underwear and uniform.

HSC Grandparents' Day - 15 September

We would love to invite our special Grandparents to come and spend the morning with our students on Friday 15 September.
8.45am Special Chapel Service
9.30am Classroom visits
10.15am Shared morning tea in the Junior Playground. 

Please use the link below to register your attendance by Friday 8 September

We look forward to welcoming as many Grandparents as can join us this year.

HSC Parent Help for Grandparents' Day - 15 September

We would love your help on Grandparents' Day in providing a plate of food for morning tea. Each year level is being asked to bring a certain type of food to share.  

  • Prep 鈥 Fruit Platter
  • Year 1 鈥 Hot Food (mini pies, quiches, sausage rolls etc)
  • Year 2 鈥 Biscuits
  • Year 3 鈥 Cakes/Cupcakes, Muffins
  • Years 4/5 鈥 Slices
  • Years 5/6 鈥 Sandwiches

To avoid huge wastage and in consideration of our earth鈥檚 sustainability, we are happy to wash up dishes to return to you, however, please ensure that your name in on them.

HSC Tennis Coaching - Term 4 2023

Tennis coaching will be available in Term 4, 2023. Please click below for the relevant information:

Warwick Street Campus

WSC Weekly Events

Please to view WSC's Events for Term 3, Week 10.

WSC Free Dress Day - Bring a gold coin for the Guide Dogs

As part of the Individuals of Eminence program Elsbeth Allard is raising money for the Guide Dogs Association. Elsbeth has organised a Free Dress Day on Friday 15 September. Students are invited to come along in free dress and help feed the donation dog that will be on campus with a gold coin.

No WSC Tuckshop in Week 10

Please note that there will not be any tuckshop in Week 10. Tuckshop will resume in Term 4 Week 2.

WSC OSHC - Vacation Care

It is encouraging to see so many families utilising the service. Please see attached the program for these September school holidays.

WSC Prep to Year 2 Swimming Lessons

Our students from Prep to Year 2 will commence their swimming lessons at the 糖心直播 Aquatic Centre (CAQ) on Friday 8 September. They will participate in five lessons, with one being in Week 9 and four in Week 10, Term 3. The students will then participate in a Prep to Year 2 Mini Carnival on Tuesday 17 October, Term 4 at the CAQ. 

Please ensure that students have the following items:

  • Warm clothing - this would be great for the students to wear to and from the pool as we don't know what the weather is going to be like
  • Swimming togs
  • Goggles
  • House swimming cap
  • Towel

To avoid any lost items, please clearly label all of your child's items including their shoes, underwear and uniform.

Robotics Club - Term 4 - Years 3 to 7

Calling all budding engineers and future tech wizards. Robotics Club will be starting in Term 4 on Monday afternoons. Please see the flyer in the Community News for more information.

Walk My Way 2023 at WSC - 15 September

Each campus will be participating in Walk My Way again this year. Last year we raised $3610 and helped 139 Children to be able to go to school. We are aiming to be able to assist more children this year. WSC will be participating in WMW Friday 15 September at 1.45pm to be followed by our end of Term Chapel Service at 2.30pm. Parents and visitor are welcome to participate in walking with us and attending our chapel service.  

For more information on this event and to register for a team or donate please see the 糖心直播 College Walk My Way in the Community News or .

WSC See you in September

Have you seen the flyers for this event and wondered what they are all about? 

See You in September and come and visit us while we are getting on with our day鈥檚 learning. If you know anyone who is interested in checking out 糖心直播, we would love to See them in September.

For more information and to view the flyer, please see the article in Community News. 

WSC Tennis Coaching - Term 4

Tennis coaching will be held during Term 4. Click the relevant link below for further information:

Stephen Street Campus

From the Director of Campus

There is something about Term 3 in schools that is unique and hard to describe. It is I think the most tiring term, yet at the same time highly rewarding. So much hard work is put in by staff and students, but we also get to see the fruits of our labour as we move into awards season and farewell our seniors.

Sport News

Sports News 鈥 Term 3, Week 9

Volleyball Premier League - Finals

Tuesday night was the final game of the season for our volleyball teams. All our teams were outstanding this season, and there has clearly been some fantastic improvement from all, which is a testament to students' commitment and hard work throughout the season.

A big congratulations to our Intermediate girls who won the gold medal in absolute nail biter of a final. An outstanding achievement to top off an undefeated season. Thank you to our coaches Pastor Thomas, Bethany Feste Gierke and Jim Barnes for all your hard work mentoring our students.

鈥unior Girls Vs SSC: Won 3-0 

鈥ntermediate Girls Vs SSC: Won 2-1 (1st place finish)

鈥enior Girls Vs Glennie School: Lost 2-1

鈥enior Boys Vs TGS: Lost 2-0 (4th place finish) 

State Honours Ensemble Program

The Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University Australian and/or State Honours Ensemble Program 2023 is held from Wednesday 27鈥 Saturday 30 September and SHEP QLD from Thursday 28 September 鈥 Sunday 1 October.

The following students from our Stephen Street Campus will be participating:

Samuel Lawrence - Flute and Piccolo - William Lovelock Wind Orchestra

Lily Pietsch - Trombone - Brian Hogg Wind Orchestra

Zoe Pietsch - Trumpet - Brian Hogg Wind Orchestra

Congratulations to all of you on your nomination to participate in this prestigious event. 


Boarding News

Hello to all our wonderful families at home.

Week 9 is done and dusted. Our students are looking forward to heading home for the holiday break and staff are also looking forward to having some "R & R.鈥

Welcome from the Leadership Team