The Week Ahead - Term 3, Week 10
Monday 11 September - Friday 15 September
From the Head of College
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Welcome back to our Year 6 students, parent helpers and staff from their trip to Cairns. It was great to follow either their blog or a reflection of activities on the College鈥檚 Facebook page. A huge thank you needs to be extended to our Year 6 teachers, Ms. Kellie Maddock and Mr. Paul Baker, and Admin. Staff for the work which has gone into planning for and delivering this wonderful experience for our students. Our College is known in Toowoomba for having an outstanding Outdoor Education Program which scaffolds this important journey of independence, social engagement and life-long learning experiences which this area of College life affords our students. We are looking at growing and fine-tuning this part of our College program next year as we look at including Year 7 and 10 Camps as well as a Year 12 retreat. After having Morning Tea with our Year 12 students this term, they have all highlighted Googa, for those who attended, has been one of the best experiences during their time at 糖心直播.
Congratulations to our Volleyball Teams on an excellent season. I am thrilled to let you know that our Intermediate Girls finished as the winners of their division while our Senior Boys finished 4th in their competition. Well done also to our Junior and senior Girls鈥 Teams on a competitive season which came with great growth for all these players. Thank you to our coaches, Ms. Bethany Feste Gierke, Mr. Jim Barnes, Pastor Thomas and Keenan Burns [Year 12] for the time and dedication which has gone into growing this sport within our College. Congratulations to our Junior College Chess Team who last weekend qualified for the Queensland State Chess Championships to be held later in the year. Thank you to Mr. Les Lord, our Chess maestro, for the time and work put into growing and fine-tuning the skills of our chess players across the College. As I begin to reflect on the 2023 school year, it is very affirming to see the growth which has taken place across our Sports Program.
As the Sport Season for most schools will begin to wind down in Term 4, I thought I would again write to what a good sports parent sounds like, looks like and most importantly, makes our children feel like, as we reflect on the 2023 sporting year.
Being a good sports parent is like being a good school parent. To make sure our kids get the most out of their participation, we need to participate too. Being involved, in a positive way, means you provide encouragement, support, and practical help.
Show Support. Your child can't play a sport without your active support—that means financial, logistical, and emotional. Having kids involved in youth sports can really tax your family's schedule along with your wallet, so this situation is a tough one. There's no need to hide the truth from them—that this is hard sometimes—especially if your kids are old enough to understand the trade-offs involved. But it's also important to reassure your child that you support their efforts and are proud of them, even if you don't enjoy waking up at 5 a.m. to drive them to practice.
Being supportive doesn't have to mean you watch every practice, especially those early morning ones! It also doesn't even mean attending every game or meet. Being there for everything is often impossible, especially if you have more than one child. Knowing that you care and support them is what truly matters to your child. Make time to watch your child compete whenever you can. And remember, being fully present also means keeping your phone in your pocket or purse.
Providing strong emotional support can even protect your child from burnout if it's done right. In fact, research shows that kids are more likely to have a positive experience when parents are involved in their sports activities. The goal is to make sure your child knows you love them no matter what—not pressure them to perform to please you. This concept sounds obvious but isn't always easy to do.
Be Informed and Be Real. When you are knowledgeable about the game your child loves, you can follow the action and provide more meaningful help. Read up on the sport and talk to veteran parents. They can help you with game basics, equipment questions, team and coaching options, and more. It's also important to know the rules of the team, league, gym, and so on. Then make sure your child follows them. There's almost nothing worse than parents who think the rules don't apply to their child. Good sports parents also are clear-eyed about what their child can do through sports. Not every youth sports athlete can go pro, win a college scholarship, or be the best on the team. Being positive doesn't have to mean being unrealistic. Expectations that go way overboard can put undue pressure on your kid.
Know that they'll still gain a great deal from their participation. Even if they don't take home a trophy every time or score the most points, they will learn valuable lessons—sometimes more important lessons than winning or being the best could ever teach them.
Provide Helpful Feedback. You'll boost your child's self-esteem and help them master new skills when you can give good advice. The most productive feedback is both detailed and positive. Try statements like:
- "You really hustled after the ball today."
- "That was a great pass to Will/Jenny."
- "I noticed how you really tried to keep your legs straight just like your coach suggested."
However, sometimes it's best not to offer these comments immediately after a game. Not every player enjoys reviewing their performance right away, especially if they were on the losing side. Yet, it's often helpful for your athlete to have a sounding board so they can discuss events when they're ready. This could mean talking later that evening or in the next few days. When things do go wrong, whether it's bad luck, a bad call, or just plain old bad play, your role is to not only help your child deal with the disappointment—but also learn from it. Empathy, along with helping your child find and make a positive change, builds resilience and that's a skill your child can use on and off the playing field, for many years to come.
Be a Role Model. Your young athletes need to keep their bodies in good shape to perform well and reduce the risk of injury. Through words and deeds, you can help them achieve these goals. Serve healthy foods to your family and remind your kids of the importance of good nutrition. Exercise regularly and talk about how it makes you feel stronger and more energetic. You might even work out together, help them practice drills, or have them teach you some of what they have learned about their chosen sports. Research indicates that parents' exercise patterns have a significant impact on their children. In fact, physically active parents tend to have physically active children. You also can be a role model to other parents. You know the crazy sports parents we hear so much about? As a good sports parent, you can help promote sportsmanship from the sidelines and in the stands. Be respectful of your child. Respect their teammates, coach, opponents, the officials, and the game itself, including its rules and traditions. You can even help lead the conversations that might help us fix youth sports and make it better for our kids.
Finally, being a good sports parent requires discipline. After all, sporting events evoke a lot of strong emotions, and learning to keep a level head amid those emotions is not an easy task. But if you keep your focus on being a good role model and doing what's best for your child and for the team, you will be successful. Plus, your child is more likely to have a positive and enriching experience playing sports if you focus on being a good sports parent. Just be sure to refrain from applying too much pressure or setting unrealistic expectations, and both you and your child will find the experience rewarding and a great opportunity to build memories. Enjoy the rest of the 2023 sports season. [Acknowledgement: Catherine Holecko]
It is very appropriate that we end Term 3 with our Year 12 students and their families being in the spotlight. Good luck to our Year 12 students and their families as they begin the countdown to the Boarder Recognition Dinner and Year 12 Valedictory Dinner at the end of next week.
Have a safe weekend.
Yours in Christ.
Mr Anton Prinsloo
Head of College
Quote of the Week: In an atmosphere of carelessness, we can teach our children to be full of care. In a circumstance of mindlessness, we can prepare our children to be full of mind. In an environment of heartlessness, we can counsel our children to be full of heart. In a world of lovelessness, we can empower our children to be full of love. [Briam Mobilian]
From the College Pastor
From the College Pastor
Walk my Way
How quickly another term has flown by. As we near the end of Term 3 it鈥檚 good to look back at the many events and possibilities offered and grabbed with both hands by many through our College. Whether it be various camps, music events, sports, new learning experiences and working on friendships. On the last day of term, the Year 12s have their Valedictory Celebration and Dinner as the end of their schooling journey looms large.
However, the rest of our community on this day will also have a Walk My Way event. With this we join groups around Australia walking to raise funds in support of children in refugee camps in Africa and Asia. $26 allows children there to attend school for a year (the figure is a little higher for the largest refugee camp in the world at present, Cox鈥檚 Bazar in Bangladesh). Schooling is the foundation to enable these children to create a better future for themselves than they otherwise might have. ALWS (Australian Lutheran World Service), an organisation known for its efficiency in getting funds to where they are needed, started and runs this initiative.
At SSC on Friday 15/9/23 after lunch we will gather at the chapel and walk a pre-determined course - in homegroups. The Yr 12s will have opportunity to do this earlier in the week. The Primary campuses will do this also on Friday 15/9 after lunch as well. Parents are invited and welcome!
How many children will we be able to send to school?
Why do this? I guess our Lord鈥檚 words: 鈥淭ruly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.鈥 (Matthew 25:40) ring in our ears. But as a Christian community we also are aware of the many blessings we have been gifted with and of the responsibility that comes with these blessings. Maybe it is through us that God鈥檚 love can be made real for those children in difficult life situations.
God entrusts gifts to us to serve others with. This can take many ways and forms 鈥 and even as you serve in your various roles as parents, in your work, in your community, or whatever it is, you are serving God. And as you do, you are involved in building community. And just as we do so locally, we can also be involved - in whatever small way - to do so internationally. This Walk my Way I believe is one such international community building opportunity.
Please support your children in this endeavour and be part of it yourself if you can. You can donate to each house through this fundraising page (scroll down and click on your house): (donations are tax-deductible)
May our Lord richly bless you as you bless others! And may you be able to enjoy a refreshing and safe spring holidays when they at the end of arrive next week!
Pastor Thomas B枚hmert
College Pastor
Community News
From the Director of Marketing and Enrolments
Can you believe it is almost the end of Term 3!
The end of another academic year is fast approaching, there are several important events that we are eagerly preparing for. First and foremost, the Year 12 Valedictory Dinner, also known as the Year 12 Formal, will be held on September 15th. This highly anticipated evening is a celebration of our graduating students' achievements and a chance for them to enjoy each other's company one last time before embarking on new journeys. With meticulous planning, our dedicated staff have been working hard to create a magical night filled with unforgettable memories.
But before we bid farewell to our Year 12 students, we must not forget the Year 12 Boarder Recognition Dinner on September 13th. This special event acknowledges the dedication, hard work, and resilience of our boarding students throughout their time at 糖心直播. It is a time to honour their accomplishments and create lasting memories as they prepare to transition into the next phase of their lives. The boarding community is an integral part of 糖心直播, and their unique experiences deserve to be celebrated.
While we are excitedly planning for these upcoming events, we would also like to draw your attention to an exciting initiative called 'See You September.' Starting next week, 糖心直播 will open its doors to interested families every morning, allowing them to experience firsthand the vibrant and enriching environment our school offers. Prospective families will have the opportunity to tour our campus, meet our dedicated staff, and gain insight into the exceptional education provided at 糖心直播. We believe that this initiative will not only showcase our wonderful facilities but also demonstrate the incredible sense of community that sets 糖心直播 apart. To register please click on this link /see-you-in-september
Looking ahead, I am thrilled to let you know that there are some very exciting opportunities that will showcase the talents of our students within the Toowoomba community. We have been given the privilege to participate in various local events, allowing our students to shine. Keep a lookout for more details. We are immensely proud of our students and cannot wait to witness their exceptional abilities on display.
Don鈥檛 forget to mark in your diaries October 7th. It is the date of the social event of the year, Oktoberfest! Book your tickets here.
This term has again seen some very impressive sporting results, with our student athletes consistently achieving outstanding success. Congratulations to the coaches and students for displaying team spirit and proving that hard work pays off.
Our agricultural students have also been making a name for themselves through their involvement in various excursions and events, they have not only gained invaluable practical skills but have also established a stronger presence and profile for 糖心直播 in the agricultural community.
Thank you for being a part of the 糖心直播 family and for your continued support. Enjoy the school holidays!
Warm regards,
Ms Belinda Sanders
Director of Marketing & Enrolments
From the Director of Pastoral Care and Wellbeing
Over the years there has been many advancements in technology to connect us to the world around us. Our children are being raised in an era where technology has the ability to enhance their learning, but it can also presents some risks when interacting with others.
In today鈥檚 digital world, 90 percent of a child鈥檚 socialisation occurs online. As the range of social media platforms grows, so too does the opportunity for bullying and risk-taking behaviour. Often adults have no idea their child is a victim and kids are unlikely to report it for fear of losing access to their technology, which to them, can be the equivalent of "social death.鈥
Social media has become such an integral part of a teenager鈥檚 life. However, many miss out on some critical social skills with most communicating whilst looking at a screen instead of another person. Statistics show that 60 per cent of 10-11 year olds are using at least one social media site, with the majority using age-restricted platforms. What kids do, post and say online is permanent and most are not mature enough to manage their own digital footprint. Friendships, relationships and even future job prospects can potentially be put at risk.
It is important for families to be aware of what picture their children are painting of themselves online. There are some social media sites that are more dangerous than others when interacting with others online. Over the years there has been a dramatic increase in the number of primary schoolers owning mobile phones, highlighting the importance to teach kids about the dangers of social media and the implications it can have.
The Australian Government鈥檚 eSafety Commissioner website provides a suite of resources and advice for parents to help their children make positive choices when interacting with social media and other technologies. To help keep your children safe when engaging online, the following guidelines are recommended:
1. Talk about online safety as a family 鈥 let them know that they can always come to you if ever they feel unsafe
2. Set up family rules together 鈥 together as a family formulate some common rules to keep your children safe such as where devices can be used, what games/apps they use and how much time to spend online
3. Know where to get help = talk about those people your children trust that they can come to if there was ever an issue. You may also like to provide for them some online help options such as the eSafety website
Further resources and information can be found through the
In addition to this, SchoolTV offers a range of fact sheets and videos to help parents have conversations with their children about the inherent dangers of social media and how to educate them to be responsible users in the online world we live in.
For further information, click on the SchoolTV link below. If your child is currently experiencing cyberbullying or challenges with use of technology, please feel free to contact one of the members of our Pastoral Care Team.
Take care!
Mr Tony Manteufel
Director of Pastoral Care and Wellbeing
Youth Coordinator - Position
Join Emmanuel Lutheran Fellowship in our vision to reignite sustainable youth ministry within the Lutheran Churches of Toowoomba. The successful candidate will lead a team of volunteers to help young people make lifelong connections in faith and friendship and to grow in confidence to share God鈥檚 love and acceptance in their daily lives.
路 16 Hours per Week
路 12 Month Contract 鈥 possible Extension
To receive a copy of the Position Description and apply for the position, please email or call (07) 4688 2791. Applications close on the 24th of September 2023.
Christian Camps Coming Up
If you are starting to plan for your summer holidays, please note the camps available through LYQ. See below and please register through the LYQ website: . All are welcome!
See you in September
糖心直播 has made a change to the dates of the Open Morning. It was scheduled for the morning of August 8, but will now be a week of 鈥淪ee you in September鈥.
This new event will take place for a week from September 11th and will offer opportunity to view the College and its facilities, as well as meet teachers and members of the staff. It will help families see the authentic College environment and ask questions of both staff and students.
As always, parents and carers are welcome to come and inspect any of our 糖心直播 campuses on any school day of the week.
We look forward to seeing you in September! If you would like to register your interest to visit one of the mornings of this week, please send an email to and be on the lookout for more information. Write the new dates in your calendar.
HSC Parent Connect Mango Fundraiser
The Hume Street Campus Parent Connect is running the annual Mango Fundraiser. Please see below for more information and

Robotics Club - Years 3 to 7
Every Monday afternoon, come immerse yourself in the world of Robotics, Innovation and Endless Possibilities. No prior experience is necessary - just bring your curiosity and imagination! We only have 25 spots available so make sure to book via the link below:
QLD Sprint Orienteering Championships
Queensland Sprint Orienteering Championships will be held on Saturday 16th September 2023 at 2pm. Please see the flyer below for more details.
Project Based Learning at 糖心直播
Junior College
From the Junior College Director of Campuses
As we approach the end of Term 3, we find ourselves reflecting on the incredible journey we have embarked on over the past months. It is a time to celebrate the achievements of our students and staff, to express our gratitude and look forward to the exciting opportunities of Term 4.
Our students have continued to shine brightly in their pursuit of academic excellence led very capably by our wonderful teachers and support staff. We have seen impressive class projects, class work, and it is clear that our students are committed to their learning. We could not be prouder of the work they have achieved over the term.
Beyond the classroom, our extracurricular programs have flourished. Students have showcased their talents in sports, arts, and various clubs and organisations. The commitment and teamwork displayed during these activities exemplify the well-rounded education we strive to provide.
Term 3 has also reinforced the sense of community that is at the heart of our school. The support, kindness and encouragement that students and families have extended to one another are a testament to the strong bonds we share. In times of challenge, we have truly come together as a united and compassionate family.
None of our accomplishments would be possible without the dedication and hard work of our teachers and support staff. They have once again gone above and beyond to provide a nurturing and enriching learning environment, adapting to challenges with unwavering commitment.
In conclusion, we extend our heartfelt thanks to each member of our school community. Your dedication, perseverance, and enthusiasm have made Term 3 a memorable and successful part of our academic journey. We look forward to the exciting challenges and opportunities that Term 4 will bring and the continued growth and achievements of our students.
We wish you all a well-deserved break filled with relaxation and quality time with loved ones. May you return refreshed and ready to embrace the new challenges and triumph of the upcoming term.
to view HSC's Events for Term 3, Week 10.
to view WSC's Events for Term 3, Week 10.
Mrs Juanetta Priest
Director of Campuses | Hume Street & Warwick Street
Junior College Staffing Update
Term 4 welcomes Mrs Jackie Minnikin back from Long Service Leave. Jackie will be returning as the Acting Head of College for Term 4. We will continue Term 4 with Mrs Juanetta Priest being Director of both campuses, Mrs Rowena Weier, Assistant Director at WSC and Miss Kellie Maddock, Assistant Director at HSC. We all operate an open door policy so please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
It is with sadness that we announce that our HSC Prep Learning Assistant, Mrs Sarah Kelly will be finishing her work with us at the end of this term. Sarah has made the decision to return to a previous career path in the legal sector. We have loved having Sarah with us. She works beautifully with our little people and our vegie and prep gardens have never looked better. We do wish her well in her future endeavours. Mrs Jenn Hinz will return to being our Learning Assistant in Prep for Term 4. We are very grateful to Jenn as this will keep some consistency for our HSC preppies.
With mixed feeling we are also announcing the retirement of two of our long-standing staff members Mrs Jodi Lundie-Jenkins and Mr David Heuschele.
Mrs Jodi Lundie-Jenkins has worked with 糖心直播 for 22 years. She first began teaching with us at what was then our Martin Luther Primary School. During Jodi鈥檚 time with us, she has worked across both Junior Campuses, taught in multiple year levels and has been a parent of her own 3 children going through the College P-12 as well. Jodi is looking forward to retirement. She says, 鈥淚 love teaching and watching students learn and being part of the school community, and I will miss everyone, but know it鈥檚 all in very capable hands. It鈥檚 time for new adventures (and maybe a visit back for a supply day here and there!).鈥 We will have time towards the end of Term 4 to celebrate our time with Jodi and farewell her fabulous work with us, (and yes!! I鈥檓 sure we will see her back for plenty of supply days!)
Mr David Heuschele, has been a Learning Assistant with 糖心直播 for 21 years. David has predominantly worked at 糖心直播 Primary School and then Warwick Street Campus but over the past 3 years has been part of the Art Program accompanying John Trappett to do art on both campuses. David too has been a parent of the College with his own two children going P-12 through and is about to enjoy watching his grandson鈥檚 journey begin. We will have time towards the end of Term 4 to celebrate all that David has contributed to our college and farewell him with our community.
Junior Campus Sport News
The Junior College have just finished the ever popular 鈥淎uskick鈥 program held at both WSC and HSC. This is an initiative by AFL Qld targeting grassroots development and participation of Primary aged students and runs for six weeks.
It has been fantastic watching and hearing about the students鈥 involvement in these sessions and their competitiveness in a host of modified games and challenging drills lead by the enthusiastic Coaches.
This may be the start of some future AFL stars and provides some great opportunities to link with the community and pathways to our Senior College platforms. A big thank you to all involved in this program.
Friday Sport - Term 3
This Friday will see the culmination of our primary sports fixtures for Term 3. 糖心直播 has proudly entered teams in this competition for years and it is one of the highlights for many of our Junior College students when they reach Years 5 and 6.
We enter teams in a variety of sports each term. This term we participated in Boys' and Girls' Soccer, Girl's Netball, and Boys Rugby Union. Our 糖心直播 teams performed exceptionally well week in and week out showing fantastic sportsmanship and coming away with some great results. It was so pleasing to listen to the students recap their games in PE lessons.
Many thanks to all who assisted in some way, so our students can play a game of their chosen sport. Sport is behind memories that will stay with them throughout their lives. It also is about having fun with their mates and learning many valuable life lessons.
A special mention to the bus drivers and our tireless coaches: Paul Baker, John Trappett, Cathryn Owen, Monique Hannemann, Darryl Fry, Carmalena Simpson and Kellie Maddock who assisted each week. A massive thank you for all your efforts during the term.
2023 Toowoomba District Primary Spring Swiss Rapid Chess Tournament

JC Band Bowling - Year 6 Students Only
The JC Band students are invited to go bowling on Friday the 15 September (last day of Term 3). This is a reward for their commitment to afternoon rehearsals and to congratulate them on their many performances throughout the term. It is also a great opportunity for them to bond on a social level.
Students will need to bring their school bags with them, including a packed lunch and water bottle. (They may bring money to purchase a drink there, but no food will be ordered and this is not guaranteed.)
The bowling session is booked for 12:30pm and will need to end by 2:15pm to ensure we are back for a 3pm pick up. If parent permission and payment of $21 is given, students will be collected from their respective campuses and transported to iPlay Toowoomba Bowl via the school bus where they will participate in 1 game of bowling and 1 game of laser tag.
HSC students are expected to return back to campus by 2:30pm and WSC students by 2.45pm.
Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission and payment by Friday 8 September 2023:
Login to >
- click on Events and Payments >
- click on JC Band Bowling>
- click payment details>
- Confirmation and click on Pay now>
- Accept / Decline >
- Save
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
HSC Weekly Events
Please to view HSC's Events for Term 3, Week 10.
No HSC Tuckshop in Week 10
Please note that there will not be any tuckshop in Week 10. Tuckshop will resume in Term 4 Week 2.
Robotics Club - Term 4 - Years 3 to 7
Calling all budding engineers and future tech wizards. Robotics Club will be starting in Term 4 on Monday afternoons. Please see the flyer in the Community News for more information.
If you are interested in signing up, the Inter-Campus bus is available for transportation. Limited places are available so get in early to register.
Walk My Way 2023 at HSC- 15 September
Each campus will be participating in Walk My Way again this year. Last year we raised $3610 and helped 139 children to be able to go to school. We are aiming to be able to assist more children this year. HSC will be participating in WMW Friday 15 September at 2.15pm. Parents and visitors are welcome to come and walk with us.
For more information on this event and to register for a team or donate please see the 糖心直播 College Walk My Way in the Community News or .
HSC See you in September
Have you seen the flyers for this event and wondered what they are all about?
See You in September is like an Open Day but people can come and visit us while we are getting on with our day鈥檚 learning. If you know anyone who is interested in checking out 糖心直播, we would love to See them in September.
For more information and to view the flyer, please see the article in Community News.
Cans 4 Cash Collection - Yr 3 & 4 Sustainability Project

HSC Prep to Year 2 Swimming Lessons Continuing Week 2 Term 4
Our students from Prep to Year 2 will commence their swimming lessons at the 糖心直播 Aquatic Centre (CAQ). They will participate in eight lessons which will occur in Week 9, Term 3 and Week 2, Term 4. The students will then participate in a Prep to Year 2 Mini Carnival on Tuesday 17 October at the CAQ. Please for their swimming schedule.
Please ensure that students have the following:
- Dressing gown - this is great for the students to wear to and from the pool as we don't know what the weather is going to be like;
- Thongs
- Swimming togs - it would be great for our Prep students to wear their togs to school
- Goggles
- House swimming cap
- Towel
To avoid any lost items, please clearly label all of your child's items including their shoes, underwear and uniform.
HSC Grandparents' Day - 15 September
We would love to invite our special Grandparents to come and spend the morning with our students on Friday 15 September.
8.45am Special Chapel Service
9.30am Classroom visits
10.15am Shared morning tea in the Junior Playground.
Please use the link below to register your attendance by Friday 8 September.
We look forward to welcoming as many Grandparents as can join us this year.
HSC Parent Help for Grandparents' Day - 15 September
We would love your help on Grandparents' Day in providing a plate of food for morning tea. Each year level is being asked to bring a certain type of food to share.
- Prep 鈥 Fruit Platter
- Year 1 鈥 Hot Food (mini pies, quiches, sausage rolls etc)
- Year 2 鈥 Biscuits
- Year 3 鈥 Cakes/Cupcakes, Muffins
- Years 4/5 鈥 Slices
- Years 5/6 鈥 Sandwiches
To avoid huge wastage and in consideration of our earth鈥檚 sustainability, we are happy to wash up dishes to return to you, however, please ensure that your name in on them.
Warwick Street Campus
WSC Weekly Events
Please to view WSC's Events for Term 3, Week 10.
WSC Free Dress Day - Bring a gold coin for the Guide Dogs
As part of the Individuals of Eminence program Elsbeth Allard is raising money for the Guide Dogs Association. Elsbeth has organised a Free Dress Day on Friday 15 September. Students are invited to come along in free dress and help feed the donation dog that will be on campus with a gold coin.

No WSC Tuckshop in Week 10
Please note that there will not be any tuckshop in Week 10. Tuckshop will resume in Term 4 Week 2.
WSC OSHC - Vacation Care
It is encouraging to see so many families utilising the service. Please see attached the program for these September school holidays.
WSC Prep to Year 2 Swimming Lessons
Our students from Prep to Year 2 will commence their swimming lessons at the 糖心直播 Aquatic Centre (CAQ) on Friday 8 September. They will participate in five lessons, with one being in Week 9 and four in Week 10, Term 3. The students will then participate in a Prep to Year 2 Mini Carnival on Tuesday 17 October, Term 4 at the CAQ.
Please ensure that students have the following items:
- Warm clothing - this would be great for the students to wear to and from the pool as we don't know what the weather is going to be like
- Swimming togs
- Goggles
- House swimming cap
- Towel
To avoid any lost items, please clearly label all of your child's items including their shoes, underwear and uniform.
Robotics Club - Term 4 - Years 3 to 7
Calling all budding engineers and future tech wizards. Robotics Club will be starting in Term 4 on Monday afternoons. Please see the flyer in the Community News for more information.
Walk My Way 2023 at WSC - 15 September
Each campus will be participating in Walk My Way again this year. Last year we raised $3610 and helped 139 Children to be able to go to school. We are aiming to be able to assist more children this year. WSC will be participating in WMW Friday 15 September at 1.45pm to be followed by our end of Term Chapel Service at 2.30pm. Parents and visitor are welcome to participate in walking with us and attending our chapel service.
For more information on this event and to register for a team or donate please see the 糖心直播 College Walk My Way in the Community News or .
WSC See you in September
Have you seen the flyers for this event and wondered what they are all about?
See You in September and come and visit us while we are getting on with our day鈥檚 learning. If you know anyone who is interested in checking out 糖心直播, we would love to See them in September.
For more information and to view the flyer, please see the article in Community News.
Stephen Street Campus
From the Director of Campus
There is something about Term 3 in schools that is unique and hard to describe. It is I think the most tiring term, yet at the same time highly rewarding. So much hard work is put in by staff and students, but we also get to see the fruits of our labour as we move into awards season and farewell our seniors.
A significant highlight this term was Grandparents Day last Thursday, with over 100 Grandmas, Grandads, Nans, Pops etc. in attendance. It is so very heartwarming to see the older and younger generations spend time together, and the pride on the faces of both groups was something to behold. This is something very special and unique at 糖心直播, which I know will be a tradition always cherished in our calendar.
As we look to next Friday evening鈥檚 Arrivals and Valedictory event, we commend our Year 12 students for their resilience, leadership and commitment to their learning and college life. We can鈥檛 wait to see them in their finest attire, and joining with them and their families as they celebrate all they have achieved. The end is in sight, yet they still have some hard yards to go. We are with them all the way.
Our Year 11s have had their own taste of what it means to be in the senior cohort after successfully completing their Unit 2 exams this week. These milestones are steppingstones towards academic excellence, and we're proud of their dedication.
Our students have once again showcased their dedication and sportsmanship on the sporting field. Term 3 witnessed remarkable performances in various sporting events. The Touch Football, Volleyball, and QCIS Track & Field teams have shone brightly, demonstrating their skills, teamwork, and relentless effort. We applaud all our student-athletes for their commitment and congratulate them on their impressive achievements.
Looking Ahead to Term 4
Term 4 promises even more excitement as we welcome new students during our Orientation Day on 16 October. It's an opportunity for them to spend a day in our 糖心直播 community and begin their journey with us.
Additionally, our Year 9 students will embark on their much-anticipated adventure to Googa for four weeks, where they will test their resilience and independence. We believe these experiences will shape them into well-rounded individuals.
Our big awards events will also take place in Term 4, with our Year 12 Recognition and Graduation Ceremony to be held on Thursday 5 October and the Year 6-11 Presentation Night to be held on Monday 20 November. Both events will showcase the very best of what has been achieved in another tremendous year for the college.
As we head into the spring break, we wish all our families a rejuvenating and enjoyable time together. Use this break to recharge, spend quality time with loved ones, and explore new horizons.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours in faith,
Mr Jamie Pukallus
Director of Campus
Sport News
Sports News 鈥 Term 3, Week 9
Volleyball Premier League - Finals
Tuesday night was the final game of the season for our volleyball teams. All our teams were outstanding this season, and there has clearly been some fantastic improvement from all, which is a testament to students' commitment and hard work throughout the season.
A big congratulations to our Intermediate girls who won the gold medal in absolute nail biter of a final. An outstanding achievement to top off an undefeated season. Thank you to our coaches Pastor Thomas, Bethany Feste Gierke and Jim Barnes for all your hard work mentoring our students.
鈥unior Girls Vs SSC: Won 3-0
鈥ntermediate Girls Vs SSC: Won 2-1 (1st place finish)
鈥enior Girls Vs Glennie School: Lost 2-1
鈥enior Boys Vs TGS: Lost 2-0 (4th place finish)
Upcoming competitions & Opportunities
Southwest Rugby 7s
Any students interested in competing in the Southwest Rugby 7s competition next term, please check your emails or go to student notices and complete the attached form.
Please see further details below
- Start Date: 9 October
- Venue: Highfields Sport & Rec Park
- Days: Monday (U13s/15s) & Thursday (U17s)
- Time: 4pm 鈥 8:30pm
- Categories: Teen Girls & Boys
- Age Grades: U13 (Born 2010/2011) U15 (Born 2008/2009) U17 (Born 2007/2006)
糖心直播 Athlete Development Program
If you are interested in participating in the 糖心直播 Athlete Development Program in Term 4, please register your interest by completing the link .
Junior Girls DD Schools Cup Volleyball
- Any year 7 and 8 girls interested in playing Volleyball at the DD Schools Cup on Tuesday 10th October, please see Pastor Thomas.
Darling Downs Trials
Any students interested in attending the Darling Downs trials for:
- Futsal 13-14 years
- Cricket 13-15 years
- Triathlon
Please complete the permission forms on student notices and return to Mr. Biscoe ASAP.
Boys 5-A-Side Netball Competition
Any boys in years 8-12 interested in playing a 5-a-side netball competition on Tuesday afternoons in term 4, please complete the form on student notices.
Touch Football Jerseys
If you played Touch Football this term and borrowed a jersey from Mr. Biscoe, can you, please return this ASAP.
Touch Football and Volleyball Awards
To recognise some outstanding efforts from individual students across the season, each Touch Football and Volleyball coach has awarded a Coaches award and a Most improved player award. The award recipients are:
Touch Football
U18s Girls Most Improved 鈥 Indira Bowes
U18s Girls Coaches Award 鈥 Danielle Watson
U18s Boys Most Improved 鈥 Cooper Regan
U18s Boys Coaches Award 鈥 Rory Miller
U15s Girls Most Improved 鈥 Estella Nitschke
U15s Girls Coaches Award 鈥 Mia Windolf
U15s Boys Most Improved 鈥 Andre Diem
U15s Boys Coaches Award 鈥 Ethan Gorham
U13s Girls Most Improved 鈥 Milla Cronje
U13s Girls Coaches Award 鈥 Sofie Osborne
U13s Boys Most Improved 鈥 James Morcom
U13s Boys Coaches Award 鈥 Chase Robertson
Senior Girls Most Improved 鈥 Emma Barnes
Senior Girls Coaches Award 鈥 Savannah Royal
Senior Boys Most Improved 鈥 Jack McCormack
Senior Boys Coaches Award 鈥 Yuan Cabahug
Intermediate Girls Most Improved 鈥 Chloe Wilson
Intermediate Girls Coaches Award 鈥 Bayley Evans
Junior Girls Most Improved 鈥 Ananya Gala
Junior Girls Coaches Award 鈥 Lilah Trenaman
We would like to thank Galactic Donuts for their kind sponsorship of a voucher to each of these Award Recipients.
Sport Quote & Joke of the Week
Joke: At what sport do waiters do well? Tennis, because they can serve.
State Honours Ensemble Program
The Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University Australian and/or State Honours Ensemble Program 2023 is held from Wednesday 27鈥 Saturday 30 September and SHEP QLD from Thursday 28 September 鈥 Sunday 1 October.
The following students from our Stephen Street Campus will be participating:
Samuel Lawrence - Flute and Piccolo - William Lovelock Wind Orchestra
Lily Pietsch - Trombone - Brian Hogg Wind Orchestra
Zoe Pietsch - Trumpet - Brian Hogg Wind Orchestra
Congratulations to all of you on your nomination to participate in this prestigious event.
Boarding News
Hello to all our wonderful families at home.
Week 9 is done and dusted. Our students are looking forward to heading home for the holiday break and staff are also looking forward to having some "R & R.鈥
We look forward to catching up with our Year 12 Parents at the Recognition Dinner on Wednesday. Teachers and Tutors will also be present so feel free to have a chat. It will be a great night.
Last Saturday Andrew and I, along with our Tutors took our boarders to Australia Zoo.
We were all up early, with breakfast and all buckled into our seats by 7.30am. The trip was a good 3 hours, with a pitt stop for the students to get eats and a drink, plus coffee for the staff.
It was fantastic to be able to showcase the Australia Zoo to our 2 Japanese students Ayaka and Keiichiro who thoroughly enjoyed the experience before leaving 糖心直播 to head back home in Week 10. Lifelong friendships have been established and I feel these friendships will grow over the years to come. Thank you to both Ayaka and Keiichiro's parents for entrusting them into our care. It has been an absolute delight to have cared for them both.
Volleyball wraps up tonight with the Intermediate Girls coming away with 1st place. Well done to Kara. All our Volleyballers have enjoyed the season. Thank you to Paster Thomas for all his support.
Till next week Take care and look after each other.
Mrs Maureen Taurima and Mr Andrew Bull
Boarding Houseparents