
The Week Ahead - Term 4, Week 2

Monday 11 October to Friday 15 October 2021

From the Head of College

From the Head of College

Dear Parents and Caregivers

It鈥檚 my pleasure to welcome back every family to Term 4. I trust that you have had a relaxing and safe term break as a family. The student body needs to be commended on how quickly they have settled back into school routines again. Thank you for your support in ensuring that your student(s) presents well in their Day/Formal Uniform both at and away from school as per the full uniform requirements. We have emphasised the need for them to be great ambassadors for 糖心直播 and their family when they are out and about.  

The next seven weeks will no doubt keep us busy as we look at finishing up well by graduating our Years 6 and 12 students respectively, support our Years 5 and 11 students as they step up as our new senior cohorts and leaders for 2022 and hear about our Year 9 students thriving and growing at Googa over the next four weeks. At the same time, our Prep and Year 7 students are almost done with their first year at primary and high school, respectively. Everyone is invited to be part of and hang on for this exhilarating finish to the school year at 糖心直播.

From the College Pastor

Welcome to Term 4!

Term 4 started with a buzz on Tuesday morning as the Year 9 students and an assortment of parents, carers, siblings and friends gathered to farewell the Year 9 students on their four week Googa experience. This is a significant element of the students鈥 糖心直播 journey and an important part of our Term 4 events. Of course, Term 4 also includes various end of year celebrations and awards, Year 12 final exams and farewell, preparation for transition to high school for Year 6 students, Christmas services and so much more.

Community News

Walk My Way (Term 4)!

Did you know that for just $26 a child in a refugee camp like Kakuma, Kenia, can go to school for a whole year? Australian Lutheran World Service (ALWS) has been providing support for children like this for many years, and many Lutheran school across Australia have been inspired by this initiative.

So, early Term 4 糖心直播 is challenged to Walk my Way, and help send some more children to school and so gain a better future.

The challenge is to walk 26km 鈥 and we are doing this as a community: Each Home Class is challenged to walk 2km over the first three weeks of Term 4 (13 Home Classes x 2 = 26km). The Year 9s will do something at camp and the two Junior College campuses are also joining in.

Barefoot Bowls

Thank you to all those who have registered for this fun event. We look forward to a wonderful afternoon!

College Policies

The College has a number of public policies that are available for viewing through our website. These policies and procedures include statements about Privacy, Grievance Handling, Child-Protection, Anti-Discrimination and Respectful Relationships. Click here to access these policies.

For further information about any public policies and procedures of the College please contact either the Head of College or Directors of Campus. 

Year 12 Recognition and Valedictory Evening - Monday 11 October

On Monday 11 October, we will be recognising 糖心直播's Class of 2021 at the Year 12 Recognition and Valedictory Evening taking place at The Empire Theatre from 6pm.

This is a very special event that will celebrate the achievements of our Year 12 students and will include their graduation ceremony. It is sure to be a memorable and entertaining night with several performances from our talented musicians and dancers.

While this event is dedicated to recognising our Year 12 students, all members of the College community are warmly invited to attend. We are sure that there will be many students in younger grades, parents and caregivers, as well as Old Scholars from previous years, who would like to attend. All are welcome.

Due to COVID-19, The Empire Theatre requires all guests to pre-book their seats for the event.

Project Based Learning at 糖心直播

Junior College

JC Term 4 Training

Junior College Art Show - Friday 29 October

JC Year 5 St Helena Island Excursion

As part of our Humanities and Social Sciences Curriculum, we have organised an excursion for Tuesday 12 October, to St Helena Island for our Year 5 students to develop their knowledge and understanding of prison life experiences. Please click on the  for more information. Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission by Thursday 16 September.

  • Login to >
  • Click on Events & Payments >
  • Click on - JC 2021 Year 5 St Helena Island Excursion >
  • Accept >
  • Save

Important Note: Please check and ensure your child's medical conditions and Emergency Contact Information is up to date.

JC Christmas for the Bush

Care Outreach has been supporting Outback families for over 25 years. Many rural and remote families are in their tenth year of drought. These families need us more than ever this Christmas.

In Term 4, the Junior College will be again supporting Care Outreach with their Christmas for the Bush appeal. You can help by donating:

  • Non-perishable food and Christmas treats
  • Toys and family gifts
  • Toiletries
  • Pre-paid visa cards

Donation baskets will be placed in every classroom. 100% goes to our farmers! For other specific needs, please visit and click on the 'Christmas for the Bush' tab.

All Schools Primary School Touch Training Schedule

Please for the Training Schedule for Term 4.

Save the Date - JC Inter-House Swimming Carnival - 11 November

Junior College Music Showcase - Friday 12 November

Parents of Years 3-6 students have been emailed detailed information regarding the Music Showcase and are requested to acknowledge your child's attendance via Parent Lounge > Events & Payments >  Junior College Yr 3-6 Music Showcase 2021. 

Please  to register your attendance. Thank you

Outside School Hours Care

Hume Street Campus

From the Director

Welcome to 2021 Term 4!

Let me see… what have we got on this term? Only a few things! JC Year 5 Leadership Day, HSC Year 5 Leadership Selection, JC Year 5 St Helena Island Excursion, HSC Year 3 Chess Lessons, HSC Years 3-6 Swimming Lessons, HSC Movie Night, CLC Orientation Day, JC Christmas for the Bush, HSC Preps Groovy Moves Days, CLC World Teachers鈥 Day, JC Art Exhibition, CLC Sports Breakfast, HSC Years 3-6 Design Electives Program, JC Inter-House Swimming Carnival, JC Music Showcase, HSC Year 6 Celebration Dinner, HSC Colour Fun Run, JC Big Day Out, HSC Carols by Candlelight, CLC Years 6-12 Presentation night, HSC 2021 Final Chapel Service. Oops, I guess that was more than just a few…

Did you notice the JC Swimming Carnival listed above? We have decided to return to having our carnival in Term 4 starting this year. Given no changes in our COVID situation, we do hope that parents will be able to join us again this term for our carnival.

Most importantly, Term 4 will be a term full of rich and engaging learning leading up to our end of year assessments and report cards. Please remember, we operate an open-door policy. You are always welcome to make an appointment to talk with your classroom teacher about your child鈥檚 learning. We trust you and your child will enjoy the term鈥檚 learning.

 to view HSC's Events for Term 4, Week 2.

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy time together.

Mrs Juanetta Priest
Director of Campus

HSC Tuckshop Orders

At HSC, tuckshop is held on a Thursday. All orders are to be completed online at by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. 

Special Prep Tennis Coaching at HSC for Term 1 2022

If your Prep child is interested in learning Tennis in Term 1 2022.  for more information.

HSC Movie Night - 15 October

On Friday 15 October 2021 the Hume Street Campus will be holding a movie night from 5.30pm. The movie, The Secret Life of Pets 2, will be screening from 6pm with food and refreshments available.

For more information please see the flyer below. To register your attendance please . 

HSC Years 3 to 6 Swimming Lessons

On Friday 15 October, students from Years 3 to 6 will commence their swimming lessons at the 糖心直播 Aquatic Centre. Each of these classes will participate in eight lessons over Term 4.  for the swimming timetable.

Please ensure that students have the following:

  • Dressing gown - this is great for the students to wear to and from the pool as we don't know what the weather is going to be like;
  • Thongs
  • Swimming togs - it would be great for Years 5 & 6 to wear their togs to school as they will be leaving straight after assembly on Fridays
  • Goggles
  • House swimming cap
  • Towel

To avoid any lost items, please clearly label all of your child's items including their shoes, underwear and uniform.

HSC Parent Connect News

I would like to thank each family and the members of our Parent Connect for the support throughout 2021. Through your fundraising and support in 2020-2021, we have been able to purchase the following throughout this year.

  • 8 square handball court resurfaced and lines painted ($400)
  • JB Playbox 1000 鈥 used for discos, assembly, sporting carnivals ($2000)
  • 2 x 3D Printers 鈥 being used extensively in Term 3 and 4 in the Learning Festival and Design Electives ($3500)
  • Power Box of 15 Spiros 鈥 codable balls driven by iPads 鈥 so much fun!! ($5000)
  • Bike Racks to house the bikes donated to our campus by the Polices鈥 unclaimed lost bikes ($750)
  • 2 x Soccer Goals ($5800) with portable wheels.

What an amazing difference your support has made to the Physical and Technological learning of our students this year.

Warwick Street Campus

From the WSC Director

Term 4 is upon us and we are already at the end of a very busy week. I hope you all had some time to rest over the last couple of weeks as we have many events still to come throughout the next seven weeks!

Tuesday saw the opening of our brand new Warwick Street Campus OSHC. There was great excitement among students, staff and parents that our OSHC was finally underway. A huge thank you must go to Mrs Gail Jericho and Mrs Rowena Weier as they worked over the holidays to have our new service ready for our students. If you would like to request an enrolment package for our OSHC service, please email wsc.oshc@concordia.qld.edu.au 

With Term 4 upon us, we look towards 2022 and begin working with our Year 5 Leaders. The Year 5 classes from both campuses participated in a Leadership Day at Koojarewon today. This will serve as an introduction to our leadership activities that will follow at WSC over the coming weeks.

Next Thursday morning, our WSC Parent Connect will host their first 鈥淭hursday Morning Mugs鈥. This will be a fortnightly coffee morning in the Resource Centre starting at 8.30am. Tea, coffee, light refreshments and great conversation will be provided.

We have decided to return to having our JC Swimming Carnival in Term 4 starting this year. Given no changes in our COVID situation, we do hope that parents will be able to join us again this term for our carnival.

 to view WSC's Events for Term 4, Week 2.

Blessings for the week ahead.

Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Director of Campus

Walk My Way

This term 糖心直播 is participating in the Walk My Way initiative to support Australian Lutheran World Services. Next Friday 15 October, WSC will walk 2km around our Campus oval starting at 8.30am. We are asking our students to bring a gold coin donation to support this worthy cause, and for an ice block at the end of the walk. Parents are most welcome to join us.

Grandparents鈥 Day Invitation

Grandparents鈥 Day Catering - Friday 22 October 2021

We would love your help on Grandparents' Day to either provide a plate of food for morning tea and/or help set up and serve.
to register your interest.

Please find below the list of food suggestions for each year level to bring for children and grandparents to share for morning tea:

Prep 鈥 Fruit Platter
Year 1 鈥 Biscuits/Slices/Cakes
Year 2 - Sandwiches
Year 3 鈥 Biscuits/Slices/Cakes
Year 4 鈥 Savoury
Year 5 鈥 Savoury
Year 6 鈥 Sandwiches

Please be aware of the 鈥楴o Nut鈥 policy when baking or purchasing your food items. We ask if you could please use disposable plates and containers to make it easier with clean up. Could we have all plates of food delivered by 8.30am on Friday 22 October. Plates can be taken directly to the Resource Centre unless it needs to be refrigerated in The Shed fridge or handed in at Reception.

WSC Tuckshop Orders

At WSC, Tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in week 7.

WSC Years 3 to 6 Swimming Lessons

Students from Years 3 to 6 have commence their swimming lessons at the 糖心直播 Aquatic Centre. Each of these classes will participate in ten lessons over Term 4.  for the swimming timetable.

Please ensure that students have the following:

  • Swimming togs 
  • Goggles
  • House swimming cap
  • Towel

To avoid any lost items, please clearly label all of your child's items including their shoes, underwear and uniform.

Tennis Coaching at WSC for Term 4

Tennis coaching will be available for Term 4. Please click below for the relevant information:

Stephen Street Campus

From the Director of Campus

Welcome to Term 4!

Over the September break, I took a moment to read centenarian Eddie Jaku鈥檚 memoir, The Happiest Man on Earth. As a survivor of the holocaust, Eddie now shares his perspectives on life that have allowed him to move forward in life and to live it in a way that allowed him to find happiness again.

鈥淗ere is what I learned. Happiness does not fall from the sky; it is in your hands. Happiness comes from inside yourself and from the people you love. And if you are healthy and happy, you are a millionaire. And happiness is the only thing in the world that doubles each time you share it.鈥 Eddie Jaku

Year 12 Recognition and Valedictory Evening - Monday 11 October

On Monday 11 October, we will be recognising 糖心直播's Class of 2021 at the Year 12 Recognition and Valedictory Evening taking place at The Empire Theatre from 6pm.

This is a very special event that will celebrate the achievements of our Year 12 students and will include their graduation ceremony. It is sure to be a memorable and entertaining night with several performances from our talented musicians and dancers.

While this event is dedicated to recognising our Year 12 students, all members of the College community are warmly invited to attend. We are sure that there will be many students in younger grades, parents and caregivers, as well as Old Scholars from previous years, who would like to attend. All are welcome.

Due to COVID-19, The Empire Theatre requires all guests to pre-book their seats for the event.

Year 7 Geography

Year 7 Geography students had a very busy Term 3! 

With Mrs Nicola Heuschele, students used the interactive Augmented Reality Sandbox to explore water catchments. With Ms Rachel Scott, students conducted a water filtration experiment using sand, rocks and water. Finally, with Ms Nicarla Hindle, students used a hands-on matching activity to explore geographical terminology and concepts. Check out the gallery of photos below!

Stay tuned for more from the HASS department across the term!

Mr Gabe Robbie
HOD - Humanities and Social Sciences

Queensland Mathematics Summer School

UQ鈥檚 Queensland Mathematics Summer School (QMSS) introduces Year 10 students to the beauty of advanced mathematical ideas and new ways of thinking. Hosted by UQ鈥檚 School of Mathematics and Physics each January, this multi-day non-residential program is open to talented students going into Year 11 and choosing to study Maths Methods and Specialist Maths. Note: This program is non-residential, which means parents/guardians will have to make arrangements for accommodation and students to get to and from UQ each day.

If you have enrolled in Maths Methods or Maths Specialist for 2022 and are interested, more information can be . Applications close 5 November 2021.

To apply for QMSS, submit your online application form and provide some information to support your application, including:

  • A letter of recommendation from your mathematics teacher
  • A copy of your most recent report card
  • A personal statement about why you are interested in attending QMSS, and how this might support your learning beyond high school

Ms Karin McKenzie
HOD - Mathematics

Ponytail Project

Our Years 11 and 12 girls had their beautiful locks snipped… and chopped … today, in order to raise money for the Cancer Council鈥檚 Ponytail Project. They raised approximately $2000 all up. A wonderful effort from Armina, Sarah, Lauryn, Zoe and Jasmine! 

Farewell from P&F/Parent Connect Chair

When my eldest commenced at 糖心直播 back in January 2014, I thought eight years to November 2021 was an eternity away for my youngest to graduate. Yet here we are and at the end of last term on 16 September, I had the privilege to respond to the Parent/Caregiver toast at the Year 12 Formal, which was fitting as it was my last official event as Chair of the SSC Parent Connect. 

When I was first asked to do the speech, I thought, what could I say? Where do I possibly start? Where has that time gone?  It has gone in 鈥榯he blink of an eye鈥. 

So I reflected on the moments we as parents have witnessed, specifically from the first day of Year 7 through to now. Over the years, watching our children embrace the school environment, trying new things - Debating, Drama, Art, Music, Sport, Languages, Tech, Food Science, Business, Dance, PE - and discovering what they liked, what they didn鈥檛 like.

SSC Term 4 Training


Boarding News

We welcomed all our boarders back this week - thank you for returning them all to us. There was lots joy and laughter in the Boarding Houses which endorses that they were all happy to be here. We welcomed a new student, Louisa, to Giabal House. Lou has settled in really well. We hope she enjoys her stay with us.

We have a full activity program which Mr Rudd will be emailing out to all families within the next few days for Term 4. Starting with our trip to Brisbane, 鈥淢ovie World鈥 on 16 October. Weekly boarders are welcome to come at a cost of $50. We encourage all students to participate in this activities.

Welcome from the Leadership Team