The Week Ahead - Term 3, Week 5
Monday 9 August to Friday 13 August 2021
From the Head of College
Dear Parents and Caregivers
This past week has brought with it the uncertainty of whether the current COVID-19 situation will again change the learning landscape for us at 糖心直播. Rather than see the unfolding events as a looming problem, we have begun to prepare for and see this as an opportunity to again step up as a learning community, which thrives and excels in the space of both pastoral care and learning.
Please know that 糖心直播 is committed and ready to again provide the very best support, transparent communication and ongoing learning programs for every student in our care. Thank you for your patience in this matter as we sieve through, what feels like, an ongoing wave of information and constant updates regarding what we can and can鈥檛 do. I need to thank every member of the Leadership Team as well as our teachers and support staff, across all areas of the College, for walking this journey with me over the past week.
This past week the Stephen Street Campus students, at their assembly, were reminded about bringing positive traits to school every day as we encourage and guide them to be aware of how they make others feel by what they say and do. This is the fine balance between filling up [depositing] the 鈥溙切闹辈 ATM鈥 as we constantly support the students in keeping it topped up through strong choices rather than allowing weak choices to begin emptying the 鈥溙切闹辈 ATM鈥. Please join me in supporting and reminding all our students to keep the "糖心直播 ATM鈥 topped up as they out to school every day. I need to acknowledge the staff, led by our Directors of Campus and Year Level and Pastoral Care Coordinators, for the layers of pastoral care which are put in place every day as an expectation and way of doing life at 糖心直播.
As we anticipate a return to 鈥渘ormal鈥 school life next week, I would like to wish all those students who will be returning to their sports training schedules, competitions and rehearsals a safe week.
Take care and stay healthy.
Yours in Christ
Mr Anton Prinsloo
Head of College
Video Message from the Head of College
From the College Pastor
Walking together through adversity
Toward the end of the gospel of John, as Jesus prepares his disciples for his coming death, he speaks these words to them: 鈥淭ake courage; I have conquered the world鈥 (John 16:33).
In these times of heightened uncertainty, where things seem to be very much out of control 鈥 we don鈥檛 know when the lockdowns will end, how this virus will be controlled, how we or our loved ones may be impacted - and this affects us all in different ways 鈥 economically, physically, psychologically, socially, spiritually 鈥 where can we find solace and hope?
Perhaps these words of Jesus, spoken just before the events of Good Friday 鈥 a time when things seemed to be totally out of control - serve to remind us that while we might not be in control indeed, there is someone who is and who has our best at heart. He walks with us through the hard times, the uncertainties of life and has prepared a secure future for us. He has conquered the world with all its uncertainties and troubles and invites us to come to him with our worries and fears and find solace, peace and hope at the very foot of his cross.
Please be assured of our prayers for you, and especially those unable to join our community for school at the moment due to the lockdown. Thankfully, we have the means to be in contact through various media. I encourage you to make use of them and reach out to one another, access the resources the College provides for your learning, connect with one another and know that we walk this journey together. And again and again look to the one who promises to be with each of us in all situations!
Martin Luther through his life faced many uncertainties and trials, including several instances of the plague coming through Wittenberg. He stayed put and cared for the sick 鈥 and was, thankfully, spared the deadly infection. Here is a prayer from his pen that may be helpful for you in these days:
O Father and God of all comfort, through your word and Holy Spirit grant us a firm, glad, and grateful faith. By it may we easily overcome this and every other trial, and at length realise that what your dear son, Jesus Christ himself says is true: 鈥淏ut take courage; I have conquered the world鈥 (John 16:33). Amen.
May the Lord grant you peace and hope through this time.
Pastor Thomas
College Pastor
Community News
Barefoot Bowls
The Barefoot Bowls event will now be held on Sunday 17 October. Those who have registered can roll their registration over to the new date (you do not need to re-register) or, if are unable to attend, they can arrange a refund from the Business Office.
If you were unable to make it on the previously scheduled weekend but would like to attend in October, good news!
Project Based Learning at 糖心直播
Junior College
Year 6 Parent Cairns Information Session - 10 August
We have rescheduled the information session for our Year 6 Parents so that you can learn all about our Year 6 Trip to Cairns. We will be completing an induction for the parent helpers that are going on camp. The new details of this meeting will be:
Date: Tuesday 10 August
Place: Year 6 classroom, WSC
Time: 5.30pm-6.30pm
For COVID-19 purposes, please . Your previous registration will be carried over to this night.
Year 3 Cobb+Co Museum and History Walk Excursion
As part of their studies, the Year 3 students from Hume Street Campus and Warwick Street Campus will be visiting the Cobb+Co Museum and Queens Park on Monday 9 August 2021. The students will enjoy lunch and some free play before coming back to their Campus for school pick up.
Excursion Details:
Date: Monday 9 August 2021
Transport: College Bus
- 8.30am 鈥 Pick up at Warwick Street Campus (WSC) and
- 8.50am 鈥 Pick up at Hume Street Campus (HSC).
- 2.15pm 鈥 Pick up from Cobb + Co Museum with drop offs at both HSC and WSC in time for the normal school pick up.
Parent Helpers: To assist with the students on the day, we will be having Parent Helpers come along. Parents will need to make your own way to and from Cobb + Co Museum. If you are available to attend this excursion, please contact Carolyn Lynch at HSC Reception via to check whether you have completed your volunteer requirements.
Parental Permission: Parents are required to log into Parent Lounge to acknowledge your consent by Monday 2 August 2021:
- Login to >
- click on Events & Payments >
- click on JC Year 3 Cobb + Co Museum and History Walk >
- Accept
- Save
- Please update any medical details including dietary requirements
Please contact your child鈥檚 class teacher if you require any further information.
Junior College Book Week Dress Up Parade - Thursday 26 August

Sports News and Updates
"You don't have to be amazing to start, but you have to start to be amazing"
Sporting Schools
Our Sporting Schools Hockey Program has started at our Hume Street Campus this week with students from both HSC and WSC attending. The students loved running around, playing and learning new skills involved with the game of hockey. The Hockey Development staff running the sessions commented on how enthusiastic our students were - perhaps a few future Hockeyroos or Kookaburras in the making.
Regional coaches and development staff deliver these sessions and have a wealth of experience to share with our students. They also provide links to community and club opportunities that students can take advantage of if they choose.
The sessions go for one hour and credit must go to the student's enthusiasm and participation throughout these sessions.
AFL "Auskick" Program Another program offered to our students currently is the ever popular Auskick program which is in its second week running at both HSC and WSC after school on Wednesdays and Thursdays respectively. This is an initiative by AFL targeting grassroots development and participation of Primary aged students and runs for six weeks.
It has been fantastic hearing the glowing reports about the students involvement in these sessions and their competitiveness in a host of modified games and challenging drills. Well done!
Friday Sport After the first week of fixtures being cancelled due to wet weather, our teams finally were able to participate in the eagerly awaited Inter-school Sport competition. Students will be competing in both Boys and Girls Soccer, Boys Rugby League and Girls Netball across a variety of venues each week. From all reports, the students thoroughly enjoyed the experience of competing with their mates in the initial week of games. Well done to all!
Track and Field Carnivals Currently our Central Zone and QCIS Track and Field team have been busy in training for a host of events in preparation for both of these upcoming events. Full credit to these athletes who have continued to show up to sessions over the past three weeks in less then favourable conditions before and after school at the three campuses. Going on efforts and performances so far, I think there will be some very positive results coming to the 糖心直播 team at these carnivals.
The Central Zone carnival is on Wednesday 11 August at the O'Quinn Street oval, students are to be dropped off by 8.15am. The QCIS carnival has recently been postponed due to the current COVID-19 lockdown restrictions, hopefully to be reconvened when it is practical to do so. Good luck to all of these students competing!
Sports Quote of the Week - The important thing in life is not to triumph but to compete.
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
From the Director
It is hard to believe that we are halfway through Term 3! It is, however, exciting to begin seeing the learning come together and watch the projects forming that will be shared with you at our Festival of Learning. Please read the information below for this event and save the date.
Each week our teachers share with each other some of the learning that occurs in each classroom. This week we got to see the learning and writing that is happening in Year 6. They are doing a unit called 鈥楳y Place鈥 and exploring various Historical contexts through literacy. It is wonderful as I visit each classroom to see the progression of writing skills. Our InitiaLit program is setting up a sound foundation that Year 3-6 are then building on with some great results. Thank you to our teachers and learning assistants for enabling our students to learn and grow.
to view HSC's Events for Term 3, Week 6.
Have a warm weekend and enjoy time together.
Mrs Juanetta Priest
Director of Campus
HSC Kindy to Year 2 PJ Storytime

HSC Prep to Year 2 Swimming Lessons
On Friday 20 August, Prep to Year 2 students will commence their swimming lessons at the 糖心直播 Aquatic Centre. Each of these classes will participate in eight lessons over the last few weeks of Term 3. There will certainly be some tired little swimmers by the end of Term.
Please ensure that students have the following:
- Dressing gown - this is great for the students to wear to and from the pool as we don't know what the weather is going to be like;
- Thongs
- Swimming togs - Prep students please wear your togs to school and pack underwear
- Goggles
- House swimming cap
- Towel
To avoid any lost items, please clearly label all of your child's items including their shoes, underwear and uniform.

2021 Prep and Kindy Bestbrook Farm Excursion
We are very excited to let you know that on Wednesday 18 August, we will be going to Bestbrook Farm for our 2021 excursion with the HS Kindy children. As part of our Science and Technologies Unit, the Preps are exploring the needs of living things and food production. Teachers in Charge attending will be Natalie Blackwell, Nikki Collins and Melissa Giles with the Kindy group.
Travel Arrangements
Students will depart for the farm at 8.45am and return to HSC about 3.30pm.
At the farm they will have the opportunity to experience firsthand how to care for animals and how caring for the needs of farm animals and crops helps to provide for our own needs as they produce food to support our living needs. Students will be organised into small groups and allocated staff members/parents to walk around with for the day.
Parent Participation* and Cost We will require parent volunteers to supervise a small group of children for the day. *To be eligible to participate in this excursion, parents must have completed 糖心直播鈥檚 Volunteer Compliance Requirements by the date of the excursion. You will need to organise your own transport to and from the Bestbrook Farm. The cost for parents will be $32.50 and this is payable on entry at Bestbrook Farm.
Please contact the HSC Reception if you would like to help on the excursion.
Student Cost The student cost is covered by the Year Levy.
Dress Code Students will be required to wear the College Sports Uniform and College Hat.
What to Bring Students are required to bring their Morning Tea, Lunch and Water Bottle, which should be kept in a small backpack they are able to carry for the day.
Parental Permission Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission by Friday 13 August 2021:
- Login to >
- click on Events & Payments >
- click on 2021 Prep Bestbrook Farm Excursion >
- Accept >
- Save
IMPORTANT NOTE: After submitting your permission, please check and ensure your Parent Lounge portal is up-to-date regarding your child鈥檚 Emergency Contact Info, Medical Conditions.
Should you require any further information, please contact your child鈥檚 teacher/s.
Tuckshop Orders
At HSC, tuckshop is held on a Thursday. All orders are to be completed online at by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.
Changes to Thursday Before School Drop Off
HSC has always had a strong sense of community. During 2020, the COVID-19 restrictions changed the way we were able to interact but we are very blessed in Toowoomba, that for all intents purposes at this point, we are able to operate as normal. Thursday mornings at HSC are a celebration of our community and being able to be together.
If you have time, come and join us on the Hume Street Oval for a play, a coffee/hot chocolate (our Encouraging Cup Coffee Van) or curl up and read a story with your child. Students can bring their bags with them and come straight down to the Oval for a play.

Warwick Street Campus
From the Director
This week we found ourselves entering uncertain times again with the lockdown of some areas in South East Queensland. Although we are not included in these areas, we do have some members of our community who have been affected. Thank you to those people for your patience and support as we follow directions from the Health Department. As was communicated from our Head of College earlier in the week, if your child is feeling sick in any way, please keep them at home.
Prepping for Prep
Today we welcomed our 2022 Preps to Warwick Street Campus for our Prepping for Prep sessions. This is the first event for the newest members of our community, as we transition them from Kindy into Prep. It was one very exciting day for our new Preps, and one very anxious day for their parents. We look forward to seeing these students again throughout the rest of this year as they get to know their new school environment.
I am excited to let you know that we are busy preparing for the opening of our WSC Outside School Hours Care at the beginning of Term 4. In the coming weeks, enrolment packages will be available for our families. I look forward to sharing our progress with you each week, as well as letting you know the activities will be offering the students who will be attending our service.
to view WSC's Events for Term 3, Week 5.
Blessings for the week ahead.
Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Director of Campus
Save The Date
On Friday 27 August we will be holding another WSC Disco for our Prep to Year 6 students. After the successful Wine and Cheese with the Director during the disco earlier in the year, our WSC Parent Connect will be hosting the same event again for our parents. Watch this space!
WSC Kindy to Year 2 PJ Storytime

WSC 2021 Prep Darling Downs Zoo Excursion
We are very excited to let you know that on Thursday 12 August 2021, we will be going to Darling Downs Zoo for our excursion. This excursion will enhance the students鈥 knowledge and understanding of our studies and research of the needs of living things as set out in the Australian Curriculum for Prep students.
Transport 鈥 College Bus
- Parents are required to drop off your child at school in the morning as usual.
- The bus will depart from WSC at 8.45am.
- Students will return to WSC at approx. 2.30pm.
Dress Code: Students are required to wear their College Sports Uniform and College Hat.
What to Bring: Students are required to bring in a small backpack or normal school bag:
- Morning Tea
- Lunch
- Water Bottle
- Sunscreen
Parent Participation* and Cost
We will require parent volunteers to supervise a small group of children for the day. The cost for parents (as part of the School Group) to attend is $20.00 each to be paid on arrival at Darling Downs Zoo. You will need to organise your own transport to and from DD Zoo. (As per the Parent Handbook, no younger siblings are permitted to attend this excursion).
*To be eligible to participate in this excursion, parents must have completed 糖心直播鈥檚 Volunteer Compliance Requirements prior to the excursion date, Thursday 12 August 2021. Parents who wish to attend will need to contact Mrs Paynter in Reception for information on the Volunteer Compliance Requirements.
Permission Required: Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission by Wednesday 4 August 2021:
- Login to >
- click on Events & Payments >
- click on 2021 Prep Darling Downs Zoo Excursion >
- Accept >
- Save
Should you require any further information, please contact Mrs Rowie Weier.
Tuckshop Orders
At WSC, Tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.
Stephen Street Campus
From the Director of Campus
鈥淭his Stone Was Laid To The Glory of God…. 1947."
One of the little projects that is happening on Stephen Street Campus at the moment, is the restoration of two commemorative stones. The one shown below, magically disappeared before students arrived on Wednesday and then this morning it magically reappeared, beautifully restored and ready for another 74 years.
The tradition of 鈥渓aying a stone鈥 to remember significant milestones goes back generations and crosses cultures. The thought that I had today, was around the significance of laying personal commemorative stones in our life, purely to the glory of God as a reminder of the important milestones in our journey.

I want to thank students, staff and parents for the way that everyone has worked together to do our part in complying with the COVID-19 restrictions. We will keep you updated as more information comes to hand via Queensland Health. Please keep an eye on the 糖心直播 App for updates on adjustments that are being made to training, rehearsals and competitions.
Our Year 11 students are well and truly in the busy assessment period. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as they work towards the completion of their Unit 2s.
Finally, a reminder that the TSSS Athletics Carnival, 12 August, has been cancelled. Please also remember that the Parent Connect Barefoot Bowls event, scheduled for this Sunday has had to be postponed until 17 October.
Mr Jason Smith
Director of Campus
(Youth) Alpha
We are planning to run this on Tuesday nights, term time, starting in Week 8, 24 August, 6.30pm-8.30pm, and finishing on Sunday 21 November with a special celebration. Students of Year 7 age or older and their parents are welcome.
The plan is to start with a meal, and then run an Alpha course for parents in one location on College grounds (Stephen Street Campus) parallel to the Youth Alpha series for students in another room.
If you are interested, please talk to Pastor Thomas or email by Friday 13 August. For those interested in confirmation, this would be the first step of that journey.
More details to come. Looking forward to hearing from you.
God bless,
Pastor Thomas
Futures Expo
Last Thursday evening celebrated the return of the College鈥檚 annual Futures Expo in the 糖心直播 Function Centre. Many students in Years 9 to 12 took advantage of the opportunity to meet and chat with a variety of exhibitors including Defence Force Recruiting, USQ, Tafe, Aurora Training Institute, Golden West Apprenticeships, Australian Lutheran College, MEGT, Southern Cross University, Busy at Work, UQ Skills, Akadia Training and the University of Queensland via Zoom. Due to restrictions, some Brisbane Universities were unable to attend, but students were still able to collect undergraduate guides from QUT, Griffith and Bond. If you missed out on one, please see the Careers Office. We look forward to having everyone back on board in 2022.
It was impressive to see our students engaging with the exhibitors discussing their future pathways and career goals (and to collect all the pens, highlighters and rulers on offer). So much useful information was passed along, giving parents and students a lot to contemplate.
Thank you to everyone who came along and supported this worthwhile event.
Mrs Leah Bowes
Senior College Careers Advisor
Mrs Jo Tessmer
Future Pathways Coordinator
BYOD Information
As you are all aware, 糖心直播 has a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) program for students in Years 7 to 12.
Under the BYOD program, all students are required to bring their own device for use in all classes. The has been created to explain how the program operates, set out expectations of parents and students and provide information about device minimum specifications. This handbook is available in Parent Lounge (School Links > Stephen Street Campus) and on the College's website.
Sport Update
Please keep an eye on the College website for COVID-19 updates regarding training.
We are currently working with the QCIS Sports Coordinators to find a suitable date for the postponed track and field carnival.
I had a great time eating pizza and watching the Olympics this week with the U17 team after they won on Friday night.

Training times will be updated once information regarding lockdown has been passed down by the Queensland Government.
Swim out of the darkness - . See Mrs Jana Anderson if you would like to participate or have a team.
Mrs Jana Anderson
Sports Coordinator
Start your impossible!
The Olympic Games are always inspirational and this video from Toyota (a major sponsor of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics) is too!
Boarding Update
Many of you will have had some contact with staff this week reassuring you all that your children have masked up with minimal fuss or bother. They are all displaying extremely mature and respectful attitudes towards the situation. We must also thank you all for your support in this uncertain time.
Last Friday evening we had a camp fire where the students all gathered around the fire pit and enjoyed each other鈥檚 company and most of all, the huge marshmallows! Thanks very much to Pat Rudd for his camp fire skills and Miss Amaris for her expertise in roasting marshmallows.
Unfortunately all external club games were cancelled over the weekend. School sporting events were also postponed due to COVID restrictions.
The students farewelled Mr Alister Cowper on Sunday after brunch. Mr Cowper has been in the Boarding program for five years and he will be sadly missed by all. We wish him the very best in his new position.
Students have been engaged during study this week and are feeling good about what they can achieve if they put their minds to it. Thank you to all the tutors who have supported the students and Mr Rudd for his excellent planning and coordinating skills.
Overall your children are happy, respectful and caring towards each other. We are all truly blessed.
Hope you all enjoy this week鈥檚 photos!
Mrs Maureen Taurima
Girls' Houseparent