The Week Ahead - Term 3, Week 6
Monday 16 August to Friday 20 August 2021
From the Head of College
Dear Parents and Caregivers
It鈥檚 hard to believe that we are already at the half-way point in Term 3 鈥 they say that time flies when you are having fun! It鈥檚 wonderful to be exploring and subsequently discovering, across all three campuses, what makes 糖心直播 the incredible College it is.
The following culture and expectations have been evident wherever I go 鈥 Christ-centred, child-focused, inclusive, shared values, community minded, deep seated pastoral care, academic rigour, a great sense of family, dedicated and supportive staff and preparing our students for life.
Our catch phrase of Learning [in all its forms] is at the heart of everything we do, encapsulates who we are and what we stand for in such a clear way. Thank you to everyone for your role, ongoing loyalty and support on our journey.
As part of my The Week Ahead section, I will be looking at sharing with you some of the latest educational research, professional readings and parenting tips which underpin some of the significant changes which are taking place within the current educational landscape.
During last week, a parent spoke to me about growing a resilient child [mindset and habits] which promote resiliency and so I thought I would share with you this week some thoughts from Dr Rangan Chatterjee, author of the Stress Solution, about this topic.
While we may not be able to remove all the challenges facing our children, we can help them build resilience 鈥 the ability to overcome difficult experiences and be shaped positively by them. Our brains respond to the information around us, so resilience can be taught, modelled and nurtured. Some tips from Dr Chatterjee include:
- Have one-on-one time with each child, without distraction. Resilience comes from relationships. It鈥檚 quality and not quantity that count. Ten minutes of fully focused attention is better than an hour when your mind is on other things and devices. Make bath times, car journeys, meals and queues count. Once these one-to-ones become regular, your children will know that they have a safe space to open up.
- Give sleep a chance. Lack of sleep is a huge driver for stress: it has a negative effect on memory, concentration, cognitive function and decision-making. One of the fastest ways to improve sleep is to limit screen time before bed. Using night-time mode on devices, swaps the blue light with a warmer glow.
- Get out and exercise. As well as keeping them fit, exercise will increase children鈥檚 resilience because it actually strengthens the brain too. Regular physical activity teaches our stress-response system to recover more efficiently.
- Teach delayed gratification. Resilience means you can鈥檛 always have what you want when you want it. Psychology teaches us that people who can accept delayed gratification lead happier and healthier lives. One of the best ways to teach it is playing board games as this requires impulse control, turn-taking and mental flexibility. It鈥檚 also a good way to model being a good loser.
- Eat the alphabet. Nutrition has a significant impact on mental health. A great family challenge is to 鈥渆at the alphabet鈥 over 30 days: A for apples, B for Banana and so on.
- Model gratitude. Instead of asking your children, 鈥淗ow was school?鈥 or 鈥淲hat did you do today?鈥, replace it with 鈥 What did someone do to make you happy? What did you do to make someone happy today? What was good about today? Or what have you learned today?鈥 It teaches gratitude, nurtures optimism and recognises kindness.
Please don鈥檛 hesitate to share with me or the College any useful resources, strategies or tips which you may have used in this space and can be shared with our College community.
Thank you for the conversations which continue to happen, the warm greetings and the mutual checking-in to see how we are travelling as an individual and as a learning community. Thank you too for your ongoing support and patience with us, as a College, as we navigate the changing landscape, and subsequent updates, which COVID-19 continue to present.
Thank you to those parents who have already taken up the offer of an open-door policy to my office, as together we grown and strengthen our working partnership to benefit the outcomes for every student in our care.
Take care and travel safely.
Mr Anton Prinsloo
Head of College
Quote of the Week: And the trouble is, if you don鈥檛 risk anything, you risk even more. [E. Jong]
From the College Pastor
Listen to me!

This is a photo of the first English bible I bought for myself in 1986. In February that year I had travelled to New Zealand for the semester break and just before I was due to return the Chernobyl nuclear disaster happened, spreading radioactive fallout all over Europe. This led me to stay in New Zealand, where I found work as a Quantity Surveyor (I had been studying structural engineering in Germany) and eventually gained permanent residency.
As I had grown up in the Lutheran church in Germany, one of the connections I made in Christchurch was the local Lutheran church. I was welcomed very warmly and their pastor invited me to join a bible study called Divine Drama, which gave an in depth exploration of the biblical story. It was for this study that I purchased this bible. And it鈥檚 interesting what happens once you engage deeper with the word of God. Some four years later I ended up in Seminary in Adelaide, studying to became a pastor. This had definitely not been a part of my plan for life at that time. But looking back now after more than 25 years of ministry all over Australia, I feel incredibly blessed to have received that call into ministry and be able to share the Good News of Christ and my life with so many people in different places.

On Tuesday last week, the Year 7 and Year 8 students were visited by a small group from the Gideons. It is an organisation of businesspeople, volunteering to place the scriptures in the hands of people. You may have encountered the bibles they place in motels and hospitals. The Gideons have some amazing stories to share of people touched through these bibles and they are passionate about making the Word of God freely available. They offered a free pocket sized copy of the New Testament (with Psalms and Proverbs) to the students, encouraging them to explore these stories. As we learn about the story of God with the people of this world through Christian Studies, and as students have their own little New Testament, may they be able to draw hope and strength from God鈥檚 promises. By the way, I still use the bible I bought all these years ago in NZ.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)
Have a great week.
Pastor Thomas
College Pastor
Community News
75th Anniversary Celebration - You're Invited!
We are planning a very exciting day on the Stephen Street ovals on Saturday 4 September to celebrate our 75th anniversary!
There will be a real festival atmosphere with the athletics oval being laid out with picnic blankets, tables and chairs along with marquees, food trucks and more. The opposite oval to the east will house a dedicated kids zone.
For planning purposes (and to keep compliant with COVID planning), please register your interest in attending this event. There is no entry fee to attend. Click the below button to register:
Project Based Learning at 糖心直播
Junior College
New Date - Year 1 Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary Excursion 30 August
We can now confirm the new date for the JC Year 1 Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary Excursion as Monday 30 August 2021. The excursion will enhance the students鈥 knowledge and understanding of our studies and research of Australian animals as set out in the Australian Curriculum for Year 1 students. Teachers in Charge attending will be Lee-Anne Millett and Angela Norley.
Travel Arrangements
WSC students 鈥 we ask that you arrive at WSC at 7am for a 7.15am departure.
HSC students 鈥 arrive at HSC at 7.10am for a 7.30am departure.
We will leave Lone Pine at 1pm and arrive at Hume Street Campus at around 3pm. Any student who attends OSHC from Warwick Street Campus can depart at HSC.
WSC students should arrive back at their own campus by 3.20pm to 3.30pm.
Parent Participation and Cost We will require parent volunteers to help supervise a small group of children for the day. You will need to organise your own transport to and from the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. The cost for parents will be $37.80 and this is payable on entry at Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. *To be eligible to participate in this excursion, parents must have completed 糖心直播鈥檚 Volunteer Compliance Requirements by the date of the excursion.
Please contact your Campus Reception if you would like to help on the excursion.
Dress Code: Students will be required to wear the College Sports Uniform and College Hat.
What to Bring: Students are required to bring their Morning Tea, Lunch and Water Bottle, which should be kept in a small backpack they are able to carry for the day.
Parental Permission Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission by Friday 6 August 2021:
- Login to >
- click on Events & Payments >
- click on JC 2021 Year 1 Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary Excursion >
- Accept >
- Save
IMPORTANT NOTE: After submitting your permission, please check and ensure your Parent Lounge portal is up-to-date regarding your child鈥檚 Emergency Contact Info, Medical Conditions.
Should you require any further information, please contact your child鈥檚 teacher/s.
Junior College Book Week Dress Up Parade - Thursday 26 August

JC Year 3 Koojarewon Camp
The Year 3 students from Hume Street Campus and Warwick Street Campus will be attending a two day camp on Thursday 19 August and Friday 20 August 2021. This should be an exciting event because for most students this will be their first College camp. The focus for the camp is Teamwork, Confidence, Kindness + Fun + Cooperation.
The children will participate in a variety of activities organised by instructors and stay overnight at Koojarewon Youth Camp (26 Borghardt Road, Highfields). Please see the camp program below.
Drop Off and Pick Up from HSC: We ask that parents drop their child at the Hume Street Campus (HSC) by 8.30am. The bus will be departing from HSC by 9am. The students will depart the Koojarewon Youth Camp at 1.30pm and should arrive at HSC at approximately 2.15pm. Students can be picked up anytime after this. Parking for both the drop off and pick up will be on the sports oval. Please check in via the Check in Qld app which will be on the gates as you go through the gates.
Permissions Required Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission for both the Camp and Excursion:
鈥 Login to Parent Lounge > 鈥 click on Events & Payments > 鈥 click on Event > 鈥 Accept > 鈥 Save
IMPORTANT NOTE: After submitting your permission, please check and ensure your Parent Lounge portal is up-to-date regarding your child鈥檚 Emergency Contact Info, Medical Conditions and Food Allergies/Dietary Requirements. Should you any further queries regarding this camp, please contact your child鈥檚 teacher.
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
From the Director
It is hard to believe that we are halfway through Term 3! It is, however, exciting to begin seeing the learning come together and watch the projects forming that will be shared with you at our Festival of Learning. Please read the information below for this event and save the date.
Each week our teachers share with each other some of the learning that occurs in each classroom. This week we got to see the learning and writing that is happening in Year 6. They are doing a unit called 鈥楳y Place鈥 and exploring various Historical contexts through literacy. It is wonderful as I visit each classroom to see the progression of writing skills. Our InitiaLit program is setting up a sound foundation that Year 3-6 are then building on with some great results. Thank you to our teachers and learning assistants for enabling our students to learn and grow.
to view HSC's Events for Term 3, Week 6.
Have a warm weekend and enjoy time together.
Mrs Juanetta Priest
Director of Campus
Rio's Legacy Day - Monday 16 August

HSC Prep to Year 2 Swimming Lessons
On Friday 20 August, Prep to Year 2 students will commence their swimming lessons at the 糖心直播 Aquatic Centre. Each of these classes will participate in eight lessons over the last few weeks of Term 3. There will certainly be some tired little swimmers by the end of Term.
Please ensure that students have the following:
- Dressing gown - this is great for the students to wear to and from the pool as we don't know what the weather is going to be like;
- Thongs
- Swimming togs - Prep students please wear your togs to school and pack underwear
- Goggles
- House swimming cap
- Towel
To avoid any lost items, please clearly label all of your child's items including their shoes, underwear and uniform.

2021 Prep and Kindy Bestbrook Farm Excursion
We are very excited to let you know that on Wednesday 18 August, we will be going to Bestbrook Farm for our 2021 excursion with the HS Kindy children. As part of our Science and Technologies Unit, the Preps are exploring the needs of living things and food production. Teachers in Charge attending will be Natalie Blackwell, Nikki Collins and Melissa Giles with the Kindy group.
Travel Arrangements
Students will depart for the farm at 8.45am and return to HSC about 3.30pm.
At the farm they will have the opportunity to experience firsthand how to care for animals and how caring for the needs of farm animals and crops helps to provide for our own needs as they produce food to support our living needs. Students will be organised into small groups and allocated staff members/parents to walk around with for the day.
Parent Participation* and Cost We will require parent volunteers to supervise a small group of children for the day. *To be eligible to participate in this excursion, parents must have completed 糖心直播鈥檚 Volunteer Compliance Requirements by the date of the excursion. You will need to organise your own transport to and from the Bestbrook Farm. The cost for parents will be $32.50 and this is payable on entry at Bestbrook Farm.
Please contact the HSC Reception if you would like to help on the excursion.
Student Cost The student cost is covered by the Year Levy.
Dress Code Students will be required to wear the College Sports Uniform and College Hat.
What to Bring Students are required to bring their Morning Tea, Lunch and Water Bottle, which should be kept in a small backpack they are able to carry for the day.
Parental Permission Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission by Friday 13 August 2021:
- Login to >
- click on Events & Payments >
- click on 2021 Prep Bestbrook Farm Excursion >
- Accept >
- Save
IMPORTANT NOTE: After submitting your permission, please check and ensure your Parent Lounge portal is up-to-date regarding your child鈥檚 Emergency Contact Info, Medical Conditions.
Should you require any further information, please contact your child鈥檚 teacher/s.
HSC Parent Connect - Father's Day Gift Stall
The HSC Parent Connect are holding a Father's Day Gift Stall on Thursday 2 September. Gifts will be $5 each. If you would like to order any gifts please fill out the form via the link attached.
All orders and money is due by Friday 27 August.
Book Week Parade Date Change
We are changing our Book Week Parade from Monday 23 August to Thursday 26 August. Your child/ren may dress up in a costume from any book to do with olden worlds, new worlds, or other worlds. It would be great if they have a matching book that they can share with a buddy at the end of their parade. Parents are welcome to come and join us in the hall for our parade.
HSC Formal and Sport Uniform Days
Currently, our Years 2-6 students wear formal uniform Monday and Thursdays. We would like to continue having our formal uniform on Mondays, but Thursdays will become an optional day - students may wear formal or sport. Preps and Year 1 can continue wearing sport uniform five days.
Festival of Learning
7 September will be an evening of celebrating the learning of our students this term. We had to miss this event last year but are looking forward to an evening of sharing this again. It will be like a Festival where you can enjoy something to eat in the junior playground while listening to students playing instrumental music. You can then move through the classrooms and be amazed by the students' learning for the term. Here are some photos from 2019 to refresh memories.
HSC Kindy to Year 2 PJ Storytime

Tuckshop Orders
At HSC, tuckshop is held on a Thursday. All orders are to be completed online at by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.
Warwick Street Campus
From the Director
We have all heard our national anthem played many times in recent weeks, as our athletes stood proudly on the podium when they received their Olympic gold medals. At Warwick Street Campus, we also sing our anthem with pride each week at Assembly. The Australian National Anthem represents the traditions and beliefs of our country, whilst it also reminds us of Australia鈥檚 beauty and rich heritage.
As part of their English poetry unit, our Year 5 class were tasked with the job of creating their very own anthem for 糖心直播, which was presented to us at Assembly this week. Each group that presented their anthem to us, showed not only their knowledge of the history of their school, but also the great pride and respect they had as well. We are 糖心直播!
Drive Through Thank you to everyone for you patience as you use the Drive Through in the mornings and the afternoons. Both of our Drive Through areas can be extremely busy in the afternoons. As safety is our primary concern, please make sure you are not walking in between moving cars.
WSC OSHC Update If you have walked into school to do the drop off or pick up in the last few days, you might have noticed our new safety gate at our front entrance. This gate is in preparation for our OSHC service which will be located in the rooms under the main building. These rooms are currently beginning a 鈥榝ace lift鈥 so they are ready to open up in Term 4.
to view WSC's Events for Term 3, Week 6.
I hope you all have a safe and relaxing weekend ready for the second half of Term 3 next week.
Blessings for the week ahead.
Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Director of Campus
Save The Date
On Friday 27 August we will be holding another WSC Disco for our Prep to Year 6 students. After the successful Wine and Cheese with the Director during the disco earlier in the year, our WSC Parent Connect will be hosting the same event again for our parents. Watch this space!
WSC Kindy to Year 2 PJ Storytime

Tuckshop Orders
At WSC, Tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.
Stephen Street Campus
Battle of the Musicians鈥 live and loud!
Today has seen the quadrangle come alive with the 2021 Battle of the Musicians and Student Council BBQ. It is certainly a great way to celebrate the halfway mark for the term. To the musicians and tech crew, thanks for a great event! Check out the photos in the gallery below and the videos on our Facebook page.
Our Year 12 students are enjoying the feeling of having all their internal assessment for their General subjects completed and are now able to focus on preparing for their Mock Exams from Week 7 and then onto their final External Exams next term. I do want to publicly acknowledge and thank our teachers of Senior classes who will be running tutorial sessions over the term break, to ensure that our Year 12 students are well prepared for their External Exams.
A reminder that the Stephen Street Parent Connect is gathering on Monday at 6.30pm in the Function Centre. Everyone is welcome to come along.
Finally, a word of thanks to the students and staff who have been wearing their face masks to school. There is certainly no joy in being in a mask all day and really appreciate the efforts of everyone in ensuring that we are doing our part to maintain a safe community.
Mr Jason Smith
Director of Campus
Free Elevate Webinar for Parents
(Youth) Alpha
We are planning to run this on Tuesday nights, term time, starting in Week 8, 24 August, 6.30pm-8.30pm, and finishing on Sunday 21 November with a special celebration. Students of Year 7 age or older and their parents are welcome.
The plan is to start with a meal, and then run an Alpha course for parents in one location on College grounds (Stephen Street Campus) parallel to the Youth Alpha series for students in another room.
If you are interested, please talk to Pastor Thomas or email by Friday 13 August. For those interested in confirmation, this would be the first step of that journey.
More details to come. Looking forward to hearing from you.
God bless,
Pastor Thomas
Sports News
It's been a big week in sport!
Central Zone Trials Congratulations to all Students across the three campuses who competed and made 糖心直播 proud at the Central Zone Trials on Wednesday this week.

Darling Downs School Trial Update Darling Downs School Sport has advised us that the following Darling Downs regional trials have been cancelled due to the recent lockdowns in South-East Queensland:
- DD Multi Class Track & Field: Friday 13 August
- DD 10-12 Track & Field: Tuesday 24 August
- DD 13-19 Track & Field: Thursday 26 and Friday 27 August
- DD 10-12 Boys and Girls Cricket: Sunday 29 and Monday 30 August
For further information about this announcement from Darling Downs School Sport, please visit this link: .
QSS Basketball Championships that were postponed on 5-8 August, have now been cancelled for 2021. I would like to congratulate Charlie Pietsch and Patrick Malone on making the DD team this year.

QSS Track and Field Championships have been cancelled for 2021. .

Term 3 Training Schedule

Tokyo Olympics
As the Tokyo Olympics come to an end (don't forget the Paralympics opening ceremony on 24 August), it's time to look back at the top Australian moments after an incredibly successful Games for our athletes in green and gold. Didn't we have some performances to be proud of? A new generation of athletes broke through to lead the way while some of our most popular athletes finally took home a medal. It's a credit to how well Australia performed at the Games, that it was almost impossible to pick only a few moments. Here are my top four:
- Patrick Tiernan's display of determination
To start the Athletics calendar for Australia, Patrick Tiernan dragged himself across the line in the Men's 10,000m final. It was a moment of pure spirit. An Aussie athlete who gave his all and was out on his feet. But he was determined to finish and eventually crossed the line. He had to be taken from the track in a wheelchair but the legacy he created in that moment is one that won't be forgotten. - Peter Bol - Australia's new favourite
The 27-year-old 800m runner who inspired a nation. When Bol broke the Australian Record in his heat to book his place in the semi-final he caught our attention. Then he went on to win his semi-final in a new Australian record and the whole nation was on it's feet. Here was this incredible Australian dominating on the world stage. - Ash Moloney and Cedric Dubler's shared decathlon triumph
Australia had never won a medal in the Men's decathlon before Ash Moloney won bronze in Tokyo. It was a determined effort from the 21-year-old who kept setting personal bests and had to set an Australian record to lock up third place. But the moment that sticks in everyone's mind was the effort of his Australian teammate Cedric Dubler in the 1500m. Moloney went into the race, the last event of the decathlon, in third place with his lead slowly dwindling. With American Garrett Scantling and Canada's Pierce LePage hunting him down, he needed to finish within seven seconds of Scantling to ensure the medal. Halfway through the race, it looked like Scantling was going to steal the medal from the Aussie's grasp. However, Dubler ran alongside Moloney and started yelling at him and motivating him to give it his all. The experienced Dubler was keeping track of what Moloney needed to do and he was well behind the pace. It inspired Moloney to take it up a few gears and power home. As he crossed the finish line, in the background you could see Dubler pumping his fist in the air, knowing his teammate had secured a medal. An incredibly special moment. - Patty Mills and the Boomers finally get their medal
After losing to Spain by a point in a dramatic bronze medal match in Rio, it almost seemed destined that the Boomers would never claim an Olympic medal. This golden generation of basketballers had come close on four occasions only to finish 4th each time. In Tokyo, the Boomers breezed through the group stages and comfortably accounted for Argentina in the quarterfinals. It set up a date with destiny. The USA in the semifinals. Could this be the moment the Aussies assured themselves of a medal. Unfortunately, it wasn't to be as Kevin Durant led his troops to a dominant win over the Aussies after we got close. It meant our hopes were left to the bronze medal match again. Standing in our way this time was the prodigious Luka Doncic who had led Slovenia to the semifinals in their Olympic debut. Australia wouldn't be denied their medal this time though. An incredible 42-points from the inspirational Patty Mills delivered the Boomers bronze. Their first Olympic medal. It was a special moment for a team that all of Australia has been behind for years. It was a long time coming, but boy, was it worth the wait!
Mrs Jana Anderson
SSC Sports Coordinator
Boarding News
Hello to you all!
Masks came off this week. Students were pleased to not hear our voices saying, 鈥淧ut your mask on, put your mask on properly. Change your mask鈥. We are so pleased that the Boarding House has now been classed as the students' home in relation to COVID-19 regulations.
Wow, Week 5 - middle of the term, count down for Mock Exams for Year 11 and Year 12. Mrs Bowen and Mr Rudd invited all Years 11 and 12 students to the Library on Monday to gain their input and start the conversation to see how they can best be supported moving forward in making their learning requirements transparent.
This is an ongoing collaborative effort between school and boarding. Students were vocal and listened intently. Feedback from students was that it was really positive.
Students, although not openly admitting it, do like expectations. Be it their own or that of a team. In a boarding environment students succeeding to meet academic expectations are learning so much more without noticing it. They grow in confidence, develop good communications skills, develop greater motivation, develop resilience and experience success.
Many club sports and after school activities were reinstated this week which has made many students and staff happy. Great to let off some steam after being restricted for the past couple of weeks. It's been great for them all.
Stay well and travel safe.
We hope you enjoy the pics this week.
Mrs Maureen Taurima
Girls' Houseparent