New Staff Induction Training

Welcome to ÌÇÐÄÖ±²¥! As part of your induction to the College community and the education sector, you are required to complete the following online training.

Take 5 Safety Training

There are several short safety related modules for you to complete, all of which take approximately five minutes each. Completion of these modules will be automatically recorded by the system. To access these Take 5 modules please use the My ERM link below.

Child Protection Training

It is a legal requirement when working with children in Queensland to undertake and complete Child Protection Training on an annual basis. If you have already completed such training this year, please email your Certificate to Human Resources.

  1. An ‘ISQ Connect’ account will be required to access Child Protection training
  2. Go to: 
  3. If you are a New User please click on register and enter details as required (please use your College email address) 
  4. An email confirming your password will be sent to you. This may take up to 48 hours. 
  5. Log in to ISQ connect and search for ‘Child Protection’
  6. Select the module relevant to your role e.g. Teachers or Non-Teaching Staff and then click â€˜Enrol Me’
  7. When training is complete (approx. 45 mins), a certificate will be displayed
  8. Please save and email your certificate to Human Resources

Valuing Safe Communities Training

Lutheran schools seek to ensure that each member of the school community enjoys a positive, safe, healthy and respectful place of learning. To meet this expectation staff and volunteers of schools of the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA), and early childhood services are obliged to meet the requirements of the ‘LCA Standards of Ethical Behaviour’ and related LCA policies. Valuing Safe Communities (VSC) is a school specific training program developed to comply with this expectation.

To access the training - click

Please email your Certificate of completion to Human Resources.